Hello List,

I am going to say what I truly believe on the subject of war and weapons.

right mind knows that our own nose is not as clean as Bush would like us to

By going to war with Iraq, we are doing EXACTLY what Saddam wants us to do,
as well as Bin Laden, wherever he is.  They know us as well as we THINK we
know ourselves because for years, this great country of ours, has been
selling them arms and teaching them everything they want to know at our
universities, and allowing them to memorize every law that governs our
actions, where every nick and cranny there is to hide in within our cities,
and how to walk, talk and live like any (so-called) typical American.

We would not be appeasing Saddam, we would be appeasing our own government
who believes that they are holier than thou.  Thou, being the rest of the
world, and, especially us, its own citizens.  By our arrogant rush to war,
whether or not we are given adequate proof, we are still simply rushing to
face our own demise.  As we drop weapons, they are well equipped to fight
back.  We have already seen that some of them will give their lives to the
cause (suicide missions) so death is not something they fear.  We, on the
other hand, are NOT so willing to greet the grim reaper on the morrow.

Plus, and lets be quite honest, minorities of all races are in greater
numbers here than before.  I can easily see a form of genocide coming about,
to thin out the masses.  Am I being paranoid?  NO.  Simply realistic.
Segregation has never been buried with the Jim Crow Laws.  It just went
underground into hiding.  And, it is coming to the surface with a vengeance.

Now, why is this an issue that everyone, from your cousin to the mailman to
the mayor's office, should be having an opinion on?  Hypothetically, say for
instance one of YOUR relatives was on a plane that got hijacked to Iraq.
Somehow you got word of it.  They were forced of the plane and are in a
holding cell in some area that is slated to be bombed by the good old US of
A.  You are looking for some intervention because you don't want your
relatives, who are wonderfully philanthropic (of course) to become a
casualty of war.  You know that Senator X has some pull with the powers that
be in Washington.  But Senator X is unavailable to you.  However, your
Councilman, Mr. Z, has the ability to penetrate that inner circle to gain
the access you need.  Are you going to say, "No, it is not city council
business.  I will just pray for a miracle for Uncle Marty and Aunt Jenny,"
or are you going to ask for intervention?

Those of us who are anti-war, IMHO, are placing ourselves in the role of the
relative who will do what they can to save lives now, not willing to wait
until they are sitting on that plane.  We don't want to see more of what
happened on September 11, 2001 to happen again either, however, we cannot
prevent it necessarily because we have trained our own enemies in everything
except how to be predictable.  That is our own specialty, and we do it well,
much to the delight and/or dismay of the rest of the world.

Bottom line.  We do not need this war.  I will not feel one bit safer than
before the 9/11 tragedy.  Indeed, I will feel that much more uneasy.
Homeland Security is a billion dollar boondoggle, just as the Wizard was to
the Land of OZ.  We are the ultimate land of smoke and mirrors, and glitz
and glamour.  Buy into it if you want, but don't say you were never warned.

Is this my last post on the subject?  NO.  As long as I can still breathe, I
will be perched on my soapbox, utilizing my rights of free speech.

Let Freedom Ring.

Pamela Taylor

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