IMHO, of which I obviously have many, if a President of a nonprofit does not
support an audit of its internal affairs, there exists a flaming red flag.
In this day and age of the ever-shrinking dollar, you have to be ever
careful and accountable to the membership and the constituents you are
proposing to serve.

A cash review may be sufficient for the national office, but if so, given
the fiscal instability of the local organization and their willingness to be
so easily satisfied, I would be questioning their integrity as well.

Pamela Taylor (Tampa)

Controversy continues to divide Mpls NAACP

Financial report falls short of full audit

Contrary to the Minneapolis NAACP's public assurances since the installation
of Reverend Al Gallmon as president, the turmoil and disagreement within the
group is not resolved. Far from it -- the general membership meeting on
Saturday, January 25, at Zion Baptist Church revealed that the fault lines
have widened and that a major internal struggle is inevitable...

-Doug Mann

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