Whenever I read or hear about a questionable incident involving the
Minneapolis Police I wonder what kind of a deal R.T. Rybak cut with the
Minneapolis Police Federation in order to secure their endorsement. 
Despite voting for Lisa McDonald in the primary I donated $50.00 to
R.T.'s campaign, thinking that he was an honest politician, albeit not as
qualified as Lisa.  When he got the endorsement of the Police Federation
I saw a big red flag and made up my mind not to vote for anyone for mayor
in November.  Unfortunately, my doubts have been confirmed several times
over.  Any assault by a police officer against a civilian reflects more
on the Mayor than on Police Chief Olson who, I understand, is not well
liked by the rank and file of cops.  If Rybak can't make his buddies in
the police force behave, then he should think about resigning himself.  
While he claimed to be running for Mayor of Minneapolis, he's been more
like a union steward for the Police Federation.
----------------------Peter Schmitz, CARAG Neighborhood

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