It is great that returning phone calls and answering email are campaign  
issues. It really is an important element of public service.
Tony Scallon wrote, "I think the first point of ethics Jason Stone and  Scott 
Vreeland should recommend is
to respond to all constituents even those  they dislike or disagree with."
I agree with this, but the lack of accessibility is a much larger issue  than 
what Tony has mapped out.
The issue is much larger than answering the phone. Without  accurate 
information to share or some kind of process or policy that  encourages and 
citizen involvement, responding to constituents is  just campaign rhetoric.  
I want a copy of the current Park Board line item budget so I can work  on 
strategic priorities. There are none available. Will Commissioner Kummer  
provide a copy to constituents?

I want a well run, well managed Park Board.
"Responding to all constituents" means little if there is a lack of ability  
to understand and communicate complex issues and effectively advocate for the  
long term viability of the Park system.
Commissioner Kummer did not return my calls last year when I wanted to talk  
about her hiring a Superintendent that was never interviewed. But I am a lot  
more concerned that tax dollars are spent well and wisely, than if someone  
returns my calls.
Scott Vreeland           Seward

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