I am very busy during these last days before the election, but I just wanted 
take a moment to express my support and appreciation to those neighborhood 
activists who are challenging the I35W expansion plans.

I don't support any more highway construction or expansion in the metro area 
until we have secured and IMPLEMENTED funding for public transit that serves 
existing needs. 

Everybody complains that money is tight at the Capitol. All the more reason 
to invest our transportation dollars conservately. Freeway expansion is a 
short-sighted non-solution to traffic congestion; it will further degrade the 
quality of our central neighborhoods and generate untold costs to public 
health and the health of the planet.

It's time to get out Governor Ventura's little "pork" stamp and apply it to 
this proposal.

-- Holle Brian
Green Party endorsed candidate for State Senate, District 62
(612) 822-6593

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