And here's Booker's most recent MSR "editorial" regarding the matter. A few inaccuracies to point-out:

1) the show is not transcribed in its entirety. Fully 75% of the show was spent speaking about CM Samuels.

2) The discussion at the Bean Scene was not transcribed in its entirety. Instead, we are given a "snip" of the whole conversation. What could Al Fowers have said that would have prompted the reply by CM Samuels "you can't expect to get anything done by offending those in power"?

Was CM Samuels, Jonathan Palmer and Sherman Douglas even aware that their conversation was being tape recorded????

Why is it that Booker feels ity is okay to liken his comments to what he might say if he were to an opponent on a hockey rink? Would any of us feel fine with using the same speech to a competitive sports opponent and what we said on a publicly broadcast television show?

The bottom-line, people like CM Samuels that are willing to stick their neck-out and REALLY address issues that others just continue to talk about will always be fodder for situations like this. Those that make their living at doing so should be privately thankfull that people like CM Samuels exist.

dennis pante

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