In Minneapolis, there is no chief operating officer that all department
heads report to - no "point" to the reporting pyramid as department heads
report to different committees of the Council.   In an attempt to pull
together some of the personnel decisions into one place, the Executive
Committee was established.  The Code of Ordinances specifies its duties as

"Minneapolis Code of Ordinances


 Section 4.  Executive Committee.  There is hereby
 established an executive committee consisting of the Mayor,
 the President of the City Council, and up to three additional
 members of the City Council to be chosen by the Council;
 provided, however, that not all of the members of the executive
 committee shall be of the same political party, unless the
 Mayor and all of the members of the City Council shall be
 members of the same political party. The executive committee
 shall establish its own rules and procedures. It shall be chaired
 by the Mayor.

 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter or special law
 to the contrary, the executive committee shall have the
 exclusive power to appoint and remove during their terms of
 office the Police Chief, Fire Chief, City Engineer, Commissioner
 of Health, City Attorney, City Assessor, City Coordinator, Civil
 Service Commissioner, and any officer in a department or
 agency who, by statute, Charter or ordinance, is appointed by
 the Mayor or City Council or by any public board the majority of
 whose members are members of the City Council. An
 appointment or removal shall be effective only upon approval by
 action of the City Council taken in compliance with the
 requirements of Chapter 2, section 2, and Chapter 3, section 1
 of this Charter. When considering an appointment or removal the
 executive committee shall follow procedures prescribed by
 ordinance or resolution of the City Council which may include
 provision for participation by members and committees of the
 City Council, but in the case of an appointment such procedures
 may not impose a limitation on the candidates to be considered
 by the executive committee.

 All appointments by the executive committee shall be made
 from nominations submitted by the Mayor. If after three
 nominations or if within ninety days after a position becomes
 vacant, the Mayor has failed to gain an executive committee
 appointment and Council approval to fill the position, a majority
 of the executive committee may submit in writing to the Mayor
 a list of at least three qualified persons from which the Mayor
 shall nominate a person to fill the position. If that nomination
 fails of approval, the executive committee may submit a new
 list of three qualified persons and the Mayor shall again
 nominate from such list, and these steps shall be repeated until
 a nomination results in an appointment and in its approval by the
 Council. If the Mayor fails to nominate from a list within twenty
 days after receipt thereof, then a majority of the executive
 committee may appoint from such a list.

 A person holding an office or seat filled by appointment by the
 executive committee who has not been reappointed and
 approved by the City Council within six months after expiration
 of his or her term shall vacate the office or seat and shall remain
 vacant until a new appointment is made and confirmed. The
 executive committee may designate someone to fill the
 vacated office on a temporary basis for a period not to exceed
 ninety days.

 The executive committee may suspend without pay any officer
 appointed by it in the unclassified service for a period not to
 exceed five (5) working days at one time, and for longer periods
 with the approval of the City Council.

 Further duties of the executive committee shall be only as
 prescribed by ordinance or resolution of the City Council."

----- Original Message -----
From: Jenny Heiser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: Proposal to discuss police conduct - Reporting relationship
of Police Chief and Mayor

> Carol Becker wrote:
> > >From the Minneapolis City Charter, Chapter 6, Section 1
> >
> > The executive committee shall, by and with the consent of a majority of
> > of the members
> > of the city council, ...
> Carol, or any other list members: Please help me out with some information
> about just what the "executive committee" is and who sits on that
> Thank you.
> Jenny Heiser
> East Phillips
> Ward 6, Prec. 8

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