I'm in SD62A and I've gotten calls from:

Jesse for Mary Mellon
The Republicans for their slate
The Democrates for their slate
The Progressives for Nader, Davnie and the School referendum.

I told them I wasn't supporting Davnie and they asked if I was
supporting their next favorite, Steve Anderson, the Independent.  I
thought that was an interesting tactic.

And, today when I got home I found DFL literature for everybody from
Gore down to Sabo all rolled up into one big newspaper-size delivery. 
PLUS, in my door, separately, a flyer asking me to be a "Nader trader"
with a list of the states where it would be a good idea to "trade votes
with a friend who will be voting for Gore" and 4 web sites in case I
didn't know anyone in those states.


By the way, check out the spelling of our Governor's name, in the
subject line of this message. ;-)

Barbara Nelson
Barbara Nelson 

To be an artist means never to avert one's eyes.
 — Akira Kurosawa

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