North United Methodist Church collects socks on a year-round basis, along
with blankets and flat sheets. We also collect used camping equipment like
tents, sleeping bags and the like. We get them to shelters and those who do
not come into shelters by passing them on through a worker with Catholic
Charities. They go to numerous Twin Cities shelters, drop in centers and
homeless individuals. If you want to drop them off in north Minneapolis,
please e-mail me to make sure someone will be at the church. 

Linda Koelman, Pastor, North UMC   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
4350 Fremont Av N
Minneapolis, MN 55412

Original posting:
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Help the homeless: Donate Socks
Socks of all kinds help insulate and protect feet from
What: New, or gently worn and clean, socks in all
(mostly men's and women's sizes, but kids socks
too)White tube socks are preferred (fit both men and
Hennepin County Human Services is asking for donations
of clean, warm socks to distribute to homeless
clients. Socks are
especially important for people who have diabetes or
poor circulation, which puts them at risk for serious
health problems from sores or injuries to their feet.
County staff can distribute as many as 1,000 pairs of
socks a week during the winter months.
If anyone out there wants to contribute socks for this
cause I would be willing to collect them on my porch
and get them to Hennepin County. Otherwise, I am sure
you can drop them at Hennepin County directly at the
Human Services Department. 
E-mail me off list if you want my address. 
Barb Lickness
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret

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