Stay tuned for a welcome message via the new server (this is coming from the
old server).

A few notes:

You need to subscribe to the new server to get emails. You can do so here:

You can configure your profile for multiple e-mail addresses, and determine
which ones, if any, you want list mail to be sent to. (For subscribed
members, there's a "Your Profile" link in the upper righthand corner of the
welcome page.

You can change mail deliver to digest in the same place, and also change
your password there.

For those experiencing technical issues, consider this advice from list
member Andrew Zimmer: "Make sure you enable cookies [in your browser] and
accept the cookies from the site."

Also, the forum's new address for posting is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Instructions on how to participate are at:

Technical issues: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Other problems: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

David Brauer
List manager

1. Be civil! Please read the NEW RULES at If 
you think a member is in violation, contact the list manager at [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] before continuing it on the list.

2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.

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