Re: [Mpls] What can we expect from housing developers in Minneapolis?

2005-12-10 Thread Barbara Lickness
Mr. Himmelman said:
  Would someone please  educate me about what the city of Minneapolis asks of 
developers that are eliminating affordable rental units and/or building very 
expensive condos and  lofts that only a small percentage of people looking for 
housing can  afford?  
  In a neighborhood like Whittier the addition of condos and lofts are bringing 
a very healthy balance to the neighborhood. Affordable units are not being 
eliminated. From what I can see the same thing is also occurring in Elliot 
Park, Ventura Village, Phillips West and other surrounding neighborhoods.  
  The new residents are adding the wealth that the neighborhood needs to 
maintain the vibrant, healthy and stable commercial corridors that Whittier 
currently enjoys. It was hard fought and a long evolution. When I moved to 
Whittier the goal was to encourage people to come to Nicollet and to Lyndale 
and Lake. Goal accomplished! The Business Associations in the neighborhood have 
worked very hard to identify and market the commercial corridors to the world 
outside Whittier as safe, attractive destinations. The strategies associated 
with that objective continue. To maintain long term stability we need a strong 
local economy to support it. Whittier continues to build that economy. Bringing 
more wealth into the neighborhood has not displaced affordable housing or poor 
people. Whittier's population increased a great deal between 1990 and 2000. I 
suspect that will continue. This neighborhood increased density substantially 
during that time as well. I hope and pray this trend continu
  Affordable housing has not been displaced as a result of recent development 
successes. A large majority of living in units in Whittier are still very 
affordable. Some of the new developments provided a percentage of units that 
fit the "affordable range" by classic definition.  
  Whittier and many surrounding neighborhoods have worked in partnership with 
developers to add hundreds of affordable rental units for years now. These 
neighborhoods are balancing the scales by adding housing options for a larger 
economy. It is why Roger Beck Florist and Franklin Street Bakery can survive on 
the same corridor in Ventura Village as Catholic Charities or PPL. There is a 
diverse economy and both these business types serve a distinct economy.   
  The economic diversity of people that can live in Whittier is vast. Not many 
neighborhoods offer the economic range of housing options Whittier and the 
neighborhoods surrounding it offer.  
  The city was an important partner in the re-investment that has occured in 
Whittier and other neighborhoods around here. I see that partnership 
  Barb Lickness

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[Mpls] What can we expect from housing developers in Minneapolis?

2005-12-10 Thread ArthurTHimmelman
A friend of mine, who lived in Seattle for many years where she says this  
was common practice, believes that developers in Minneapolis should be asked to 
pay into a fund used for affordable housing and other housing related  
necessities and amenities as a cost of doing business. Would someone please  
me about what the city of Minneapolis asks of developers that are  
eliminating affordable rental units and/or building very expensive condos and  
that only a small percentage of people looking for housing can  afford?  Thanks 
very much.
Arthur T. Himmelman
Loring Park
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