mohamed hamza wrote
> Hello All,
>  I Would like to know how to make some changes to mseide-msegui source  in
> particular part of generated code.
>   For example : dataset event   onbeforeopen   generate Proc BeforeOpenEvt
> ( dataset:Tdataset ) instead  Proc BeforeOpenEvt ( const sender :Tdataset
> )
>   There are many examples like that. .

Hello Med.

Not sure to understand.

Is it a problem with last fpc 3.3.1. or do you have problems with fpc 3.0.4
too ?
Are you saying, like code dz first warning, that dataset even has the
similar problem that using mseide compiled with fpc 3.1.1 and his
form-designer, with dataset the first parameter is missing?

Or are you talking about a fix of you and how to do with github?


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