We have an ask to be able to determine when a machine is being been 
patched/rebooted and to be able to put the server into a "blackout mode"

We have 4 hour maintenance windows for servers and during that time the server 
is in a black-out mode, so it doesn't generate a lot of messages during reboot 
etc for SCOM and some other 3rd party products.  The original idea was for the 
whole 4 hour maintenance window the server would be blacked out, but now the 
ask is to only be blocked out for when the patching takes place.  If the server 
has 4 patches that need to be installed and the total time of the patch install 
and reboot is 20 mins, they want the server to only be blocked out for those 20 
mins.  SCOM would be used to enable / disable the blackout of the server for 
the 20 mins the patching event took place.

I've been looking at different logs to handle this and it seems that WUAHandler 
gives the most "real time" info that we can use for SCOM to key off of and 
enable/disable blackout.

Has anyone else done anything like this, and if so how did you do it?

Would it be better to try to figure out where in WMI patch state/reboot state 
is stored?

Thank you.

Robert Spinelli | CTS | GTI | 575 Washington Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ, 07310, 
United States| T: +1.201.595.6820 | C: +1.917.538.6192 | 

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