> In 4/July, some MSX leader will meet ASCII Corp and Nishi.
> Now, Japanese MSX Figure leader and ASCII Corp talking about NEW MSX
> Computer. We hope that ASCII will make NEW MSX Compiyer. And Nishi agree
> NEW MSX Project! But ASCII Corp don't like our NEW MSX Project. ASCII
> think that many MSXer don't buy NEW MSX Computer...

I'll translate, for people that missed the point.

ASCII says: There is no market for new MSX computer.

> We must show MSX user power to ASCII Corp.

We must not.
We must show there is a valid market where 'some MSX project' could 
be sold with profit. Ofcourse, there is no such market. Any company 
would only invest in a project if there is a good chance to make 
money with it.


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