Call for papers:
Machine Translation journal Special Issue on
"Free/Open-Source Machine Translation"

Machine Translation
ISSN 0922-6567
Editor-in-Chief: Andy Way

Guest editors:

Mikel L. Forcada (Dublin City University and Universitat d'Alacant)
Felipe Sánchez-Martínez (Universitat d'Alacant)


The free/open-source software philosophy has been embraced by many machine
translation (MT) practitioners, as demonstrated by the fact that over the last
five years a number of free/open-source MT systems and resources have been
released ( Furthermore, there have been conferences and
workshops focused on open-source developments for MT such as the four MT
Marathons held until now (, the first
International Workshop on Free/Open-Source Rule-Based MT held in November 2009
(, the seminal OSMaTran workshop on
Open-Source MT held on September 2005 at the Tenth MT Summit
(, or the open-source-themed 3rd Workshop on
Example-Based Machine Translation (

The benefit of having free/open-source MT systems is twofold: on one hand,
open-source developments allow the reproducibility of experiments, a key point
in the advance of any scientific field. On the other hand, they make it easier
for end users to benefit from the latest advances in the field.

Inspired by the successful open-source systems presented at the conferences and
workshops mentioned above, and by the strong belief that the future of machine
translation is in the development of free/open-source MT systems, we propose to
bring together in this special issue papers describing the leading free/open
source MT systems in existence.


This special issue is dedicated to free/open-source machine translation systems
(rule-based, example-based, statistical), where free/open-source means that the
system uses a licence that is either a free licence as defined by the Free
Software Foundation (, or an
open-source licence as defined by the Open Source Initiative

Contributions on approaches which still achieve performance levels below the
state of the art may be suitable for inclusion in this issue, provided that they
stem from sound directions with clear potential for further developments.

Submission guidelines

    * Authors should follow the "Instructions for Authors" available on the MT
Journal website:
    * Submissions must be limited to 15 pages (including references) Papers
should be submitted online directly on the MT journal's submission website:, indicating this special issue
in ‘article type’

Important dates

    * Deadline for 'Submission Intent' e-mail: June 15, 2010 - contributors must
send an email with the abstract of the submission to special-issue-fosmt (at)
dlsi (dot) ua (dot) es
    * Deadline for submissions: July 31, 2010
    * Notification to the authors: October 15, 2010
    * Deadline for final version: December 15, 2010
    * Publication: 2011

Mikel L. Forcada <>
Dept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
Universitat d\\\'Alacant, E-03071 Alacant (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 590 9776    Fax: +34 96 590 9326
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