******** CFP: Machine Translation Journal ********

Special Issue on Machine Translation for Rapidly Emerging Events


Guest editors:

Will Lewis (Microsoft)

Andy Way (ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University)


The range of use-cases where Machine Translation (MT) is demonstrably
useful is expanding rapidly. One such area is
where MT systems need to be rapidly developed, (i) to cope with an
unforeseen event, often an emergency situation, or (ii) to widen user
access to large-scale global events.

Examples of (i) include Microsoft's response to the Haitian earthquake
in 2010 (Lewis, 2010), while instances of (ii)
relate to the systems built by the CNGL team at DCU team for the
translation of tweets at the soccer World Cups in 2010
and 2014 (http://www.cngl.ie/brazilator) [see AMTA 2014 Technology
Showcase Guide, p.4].

Accordingly, we are pleased to put out a call for papers for a special
issue on this topic, and welcome
descriptions of systems which propose innovative ways of addressing
this challenging problem. Papers which describe how MT could be of
use in related circumstances are also welcome.


William D.Lewis: Haitian Creole: how to build and ship an MT engine
from scratch in 4 days, 17
hours, & 30 minutes
<http://www.mt-archive.info/10/EAMT-2010-Lewis.pdf>. *EAMT 2010:
Proceedings of the 14th Annual conference of the European
Association for Machine Translation*, 27-28 May 2010, ël, .
Proceedings ed.Viggo Hansen and François
Yvon; 8pp.


Submission guidelines:

- Authors should follow the "Instructions for Authors" available on
the MT Journal website:


- Submissions must be limited to 25 pages (including references)

- Papers should be submitted online directly on the MT journal's
submission website:http://www.editorialmanager.com/coat/default.asp,
indicating this special issue in ‘article type’


Important dates:

- Paper submission: August 7th 2015.

- Notification to authors: September 18th 2015.

- Camera-ready*: 27th November 2015.

* tentative - depending on the number of review rounds required
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