[Mt-list] AKRR'08 CFP: including "Adaptive machine translation: towards global connection"

2007-11-07 Thread timo . honkela



Following the successful 2005 conference, AKRR 2008 will be 
organized in Finland in 17-19 September 2008 at Haikko Manor, 
Porvoo, 30-40 minutes from Helsinki. The conference site was
elected in 2007 by Mercury International to be the best one in 

More information will be available at http://www.cis.hut.fi/AKRR08/
Conference site: http://www.haikko.fi/kokoukset/en_GB/presentation/

The conference is co-organized with the ESTSP'08, European Symposium 
on Time Series Prediction.


In the modern society, knowledge representation and reasoning are 
underlying building blocks in various kinds of information systems and 
networks. Knowledge representation and reasoning are also central 
themes in cognitive science and epistemology. Relevant questions 
include how do humans know, understand, anticipate, make decisions and 
collaborate, and, on the other hand, how to analyze, model and 
simulate complex phenomena in general.  Relevant modeling methods 
include statistical machine learning, artificial neural networks, 
signal processing, pattern recognition and dynamical systems.


The aim of the AKRR'08 conference is to bring together scientists who
study complex phenomena in empirical sciences and scientists who
develop computational methods for dealing with complexity. From the
empirical sciences, we especially welcome researchers in cognitive
science, sociology, educational psychology, economics and
medicine. From the methodological sciences, we welcome researchers who
develop, for instance, statistical machine learning, dynamical systems
theory and adaptive systems.

The conference also aims to be relevant for practitioners who
encounter complex phenomena continuously and who are looking for new
ways to deal with challenges related to management and strategic
decision making.


* Adaptive systems in organizational theory and economic sciences

* Computational wisdom, modeling emotions and decision making

* New generation of semantic web: social and multimodal grounding of
  knowledge and understanding

* Adaptive systems in medical education, research and practice

* Adaptive machine translation: towards global connection


We invite novel high-quality papers that are related to the conference 
themes including but not limited to:

Themes related to empirical sciences

* Adaptive, dynamical and probabilistic models and simulations of 
  social and societal structures and processes
* Probabilistic and pattern-based reasoning on financial and economical 
* Non-symbolic ontologies and adaptive knowledge representation for the web
* Emergent and evolutionary representations for creative and 
  design processes
* Models of natural language understanding and translation
* Learning schemas and language games 

* Cognitive models of perceptually grounded reasoning processes
* Multimodality in cognitive and artificial systems
* Analysis and modeling of emotions and decision making
* Relationship between individual, social and cultural development
* Natural and artificial general intelligence

* Analysis and development of conceptual spaces
* Emerging representations in active agents
* Empirical and theoretical study of practices and activities

Methodological themes

* Contextuality in statistical analysis and reasoning
* Models of temporal processes and reasoning
* Knowledge representation and reasoning in non-stationary environments
* Spatial representations of knowledge
* Analyses of the limitations of logic-based representations and reasoning

* Hybrid systems and emergence of symbolic representations
* Continuous formal systems
* Dynamical systems models of knowledge
* Pattern-based reasoning
* Unsupervised and reinforcement learning models for knowledge 
  acquisition and representation

* Bayesian models of learning and reasoning
* Emergent representations based on independent
  component analysis and self-organizing maps
* Biologically inspired computing including artificial immune systems


* Paper submission due: 15 February 2008

* Acceptance notification: 11 April 2008

* Deadline for early registration: 24 June 2008

* Camera-ready paper due: 23 May 2008

* Symposia and conference: 17-19 September 2008


Programme committee and conference chair

Timo Honkela
Helsinki University of Technology
Adaptive Informatics Research Centre

Organizing committee chair

Olli Simula
Helsinki University of Technology
Adaptive Informatics Research Centre

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[Mt-list] SFI's E.T.S. Walton Visitor Awards programme

2007-11-07 Thread Andy Way
Notice for this is rather short, but the rewards are high.
I'd like to draw your attention to this funding scheme, set up to
facilitate highly qualified academic and industrial researchers
_resident outside Ireland_ to carry out research projects of their own
choice in Ireland. Applications may be submitted for _research stays
normally of three to twelve continuous months_. Grants normally range up
to _Euro 200,000 per year_, including a provision for _salary,
laboratory, and moving expenses_.

Read more at:


I am happy to host suitable applicants in the Machine Translation lab at
the National Centre for Language Technology at Dublin City University.

Note, however, that while SFI require applications by 19th December
2007, DCU requires that all such applications be pre-submitted
internally by _19th November_, i.e. Monday week.

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