English and French versions of this request are found below.
Veuillez svp trouver ci-dessous des versions anglaise et francaise de cette

[English version]
Dear colleagues,
I would like to find out who is interested in Controlled Language for
French (e.g. Rationalised French, TITUS, etc) in order to compile a list of
people who would like to know more about a current Controlled French
project.  Please reply to me directly at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> with "oui, francais
controle" in the subject line.  

[version francaise]
Chers collegues,
J'aimerais bien savoir qui s'interesse aux langages controles pour le
francais (p. ex. francais rationalise, projet TITUS, etc) afin de dresser
une liste de personnes qui souhaiteraient recevoir des renseignements sur
un projet de francais controle en cours.  Toute personne interessee est
priee de me repondre directement a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> en indiquant "oui,
francais controle" comme objet.



Jeff ALLEN - Technical Manager/Directeur Technique
European Language Resources Association (ELRA)  &
European Language resources - Distribution Agency (ELDA) 
(Agence Europe'enne de Distribution des Ressources Linguistiques)
55, rue Brillat-Savarin
75013   Paris   FRANCE
Tel: (+33) - Fax: (+33)

*** ELRA is organizing the Language Resources and 
Evaluation Conference (LREC) 2000.  More 
information on LREC2000 can be found at:
http://www.icp.grenet.fr/ELRA/lrec2000.html   ***

  For MT-List info, see http://www.eamt.org/mt-list.html

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