Please circulate the revised text (Apologies for multiple postings).

EAMT Best Thesis Award 2009
[Updated version, October 16, 2009]

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT, is an
organization that serves the growing community of people interested in MT and
translation tools, including users, developers, and researchers of this
increasingly viable technology.

The EAMT invites entries for this first edition of the EAMT award for the Best
Thesis on a topic related to machine translation.

Students who have completed a thesis on a relevant topic within the last year
(2009) ‒and exceptionally and only for this first call, during 
2008‒, and who
have not previously won a similar award, are invited to submit their research to
the EAMT for consideration for this award.

The submissions will be judged by a panel of academic and industrial experts
from the EAMT Committee.  

The scope of the thesis need not be confined to a technical area, and
applications are also invited from students who are carrying out research into
commercial and management aspects of machine translation.

Possible areas of research might include:

    * development of machine translation or advanced computer-assisted
translation systems: software and resources

    * machine translation for less-resourced languages

    * the use of these systems in professional environments (freelance
translators, translation agencies, localisation, etc.)

    * the increasing impact of machine translation on non-professional Internet
users and its impact in communications, social networking, etc.

    * machine translation and post-editing

    * spoken language translation

    * the integration of machine translation and translation memory systems

    * the integration of machine translation software in larger IT applications

    * the evaluation of machine translation systems in real tasks such as those

    * the cross-fertilisation between machine translation and other language

The winner will receive a prize of €500, together with a suitably-inscribed
certificate. In addition, the recipient of the award will be expected to present
their research at the next EAMT conference. In order to facilitate this, the
EAMT will waive the student's registration costs, and will make available a
travel bursary of €200 to enable the recipient of the award to attend the said

Should you wish to enter your thesis, please forward:

    * an electronic copy (.pdf format preferred) of your thesis

    * a 2-page summary of the thesis in English

    * your full contact details,

    * the name and contact details of your supervisor(s),

    * a copy of your CV (max. one page)

    * any other relevant information on the thesis to: 

Mikel L. Forcada, EAMT Secretary
Centre for Next Generation Localisation, School of Computing,
Dublin City University, Glasnevin 9, Dublin, Ireland
(mforcada at computing dot dcu dot ie)

By submitting their work authors

    * agree that, in case they are granted the award, any subsequently published
version of the thesis should carry the citation "Winner of the Best Thesis Award
2009 of the European Association for Machine Translation" and

    * acknowledge the right of the EAMT to publicize the granting of the award.

Closing date for submissions is December 31, 2009.
Mikel L. Forcada <>
Dept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
Universitat d\\\'Alacant, E-03071 Alacant (Spain)
Tel.: +34 96 590 9776    Fax: +34 96 590 9326
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