I have created two new MTT branches:

https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/mtt/branches/v2.0/ -- the old "ompi- core-testers" branch https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/mtt/branches/v3.0/ -- a copy from the trunk as of yesterday

We are now encouraging everyone to use the v3.0 branch in production. New development is going to occur on the trunk that may potentially destabilize the trunk at times. The old "ompi-core-testers" branch will be deleted on 25 May 2009 -- anyone still using that branch is highly encouraged to move to the new v3.0 branch (and update your INI file syntax to match), or move to the v2.0 branch if that is not possible.

I have also updated the "how to run OMPI regression with MTT" wiki page to point to the /v3.0/ branch:


Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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