FINALLY, we're ready to start opening up MTT to a small set of users.  Woo
hoo!  As of this morning, everyone should be ready to go (Sun, Cisco, IU,
HLRS) - you all have usernames and passwords.

I started typing a huge long e-mail with all the information and guidelines
of how to start using MTT to test OMPI but then decided to put all the
relevant information in the MTT Trac Wiki (better for permanent store).  So
visit here for all the relevant information:

Be sure to note the "Known issues" section, and see what tickets are already
open to see what functionality is/is not supported.

Please use this information to setup and start running MTT to test Open MPI.
Report back here with any questions/comments and be sure to let us know of
any success/failure stories.


Jeff Squyres
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems

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