
I'm totally new to the testing tools and am looking for some good information 
on how to get started with these tools.
The information I've found so far is far from helpful.

I've checked out https://www.open-mpi.org/projects/mtt/ and the main wiki site 
This information is all pretty old and even wrong (such as the reference to the 
svn repository), but I managed to pull a copy from github.

A quick look at the sample configs shows that the documentation available is 
not anywhere close to being useful.

I'd like to set this up such that I can verify the correct working of the many 
MPI installations we have on our cluster.
We use both GCC and the intel compilers, have several mpi incarnations using 
EasyBuild modules and are using SLURM to schedule jobs.

Is there anything out there, which could guide me through the steps to set up 
such a test environment?

Many thanks in advance

Dep. Mathematik und Informatik  tel   +41 61 207 14 66
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Universität Basel
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