On Nov 26, 2010, at 2:21 AM, Ross Bencina wrote:

robert bristow-johnson wrote:
you can have a periodic (or quasi-periodic) signal with absolutely no energy at harmonic #1 (what i would call the fundamental), and as long as it has energy in most other odd harmonics, the autocorrelation function will work just as well. there will still be peaks at lags are at integer multiples of the apparent period.

The way I see it, the ACF will be quasi-periodic at the rate of the lowest present harmonic.

but that's not the case. if x(t) is periodic, then Rx(tau) (as calculated with an infinitely large window) is periodic with the same period.

a pretty robust definition of the autocorrelation of x(t) might be:

     Rx(tau) =  lim{   1/(2T) integral{ x(t)*x(t+tau) dt}   }
               T->inf              -T

now, we don't have infinitely large windows to calculate Rx() with, so as the lag, tau, increases the overlap of the windows is smaller

     v(t) =  x(t)*w(t)     (w(t) is a very wide window function.)

     Rx(tau)  ~=   Rv(tau)

     Rv(tau)   =  integral{ v(t)*v(t+tau) dt}

so, while x(t) is periodic, v(t) is not and there is an envelope on the apparent autocorrelation Rx(tau) which is:

     Rw(tau)   =  integral{ w(t)*w(t+tau) dt}

if P is the period of x(t), then

     x(t+P) = x(t)    for all t

     Rv(tau)   =  integral{ x(t)*w(t)*x(t+tau)*w(t+tau) dt}

     Rv(P)     =  integral{ x(t)*w(t)*x(t+P)*w(t+P) dt}

               =  integral{ (x(t)^2)*w(t)*w(t+P) dt}
      Rv(0)    =  integral{ (x(t)^2)*(w(t)^2) dt}

Rv(P) is reduced from Rv(0) because w(t)*w(t+P) is smaller than w(t)^2 because w(t) and w(t+P) do not overlap as much as w(t) overlaps on top of itself. i think, for some windows (like the rectangular window), you can show something like

     Rv(n*P)  =  Rx(n*P)*Rw(n*P)

which is true only at the multiples of the period, P.

underneath that envelope, you will see peaks at multiples of the period of x(t), whether there is 1st harmonic in there or not.

now there are other ways of computing the autocorrelation (or something that looks like it) that do not have this envelope resulting from windowing, so the autocorrelation peaks are as large as Rx(0) if x(t) is perfectly periodic. the method shown with Rv(tau) is what you would get if you were using the inverse FT of |v(t)|^2.

This doesn't tell you anything about what the fundamental is. The peaks may be there, but how do you know which one(s) are related to the fundamental?

there *is* the octave problem. you can have a tone of 360 Hz (with all of the harmonics), but mathematically, it is also a tone of 180 Hz (where all the odd harmonics have zero energy) or 120 Hz or 90 Hz (with a lot of missing harmonics). the autocorrelation function will peak at those periods also. so you look for the peak of sufficient height (so, unfortunately, there is some kind of thresholding needed) that has the smallest lag, which would be the one at 1/360 sec


r b-j                  r...@audioimagination.com

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