Sounds like granular stretch, which has been in Csound for years

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On 2 Mar 2018, 14:26, at 14:26, Alan Wolfe <> wrote:
>Someone was explaining some algorithms to me that I thought were
>interesting.  I was curious, is this granular synthesis?
>It seems to be but after i read this link
> I'm unsure if it is, or is
>--Adjust Audio Length Without Affecting Frequency--
>If you wanted to stretch a section of sound, you'd find a small section
>sound (say 20 ms worth) in the region.
>If you wanted to double the sound length, you could double this section
>sound. Similar for any integer multiple.
>For fractions of multiples > 1, you overlap the sections and mix them
>addition as per usual, but he also mentioned averaging as a
>Presumably you would do this for every small section of sound in the
>you want to adjust.
>He said he would cut these buffers at zero crossings to get rid of
>but I imagine using an envelope, or even doing a cubic hermite
>interpolation could help here even more.
>--Adjust Audio Frequency Without Adjusting Length--
>AKA for stuff like autotune.
>The idea would be similar.
>You'd get a small buffer, adjust it to be shorter or longer (doing some
>form of resampling), letting the pitch change by whatever factor you
>interested in.
>Then, you'd use the previously mentioned technique to adjust the length
>back to what it was.
>Besides confirming or denying that this is granular synthesis, does
>have any observations or tips for approaching these techniques, or the
>desired end results?
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