On Tue, 2008-04-08 at 10:31 -0400, Andrew Conkling wrote:

> The name problem would prevent us from doing any kind of language
> "guessing", akin to what we do with Amazon URLs (redirect to the
> desired Amazon store).
> But ultimately, I'd like to think we should handle this like we should
> box sets (as per a recent suggestion): fix it in the UI, on the site.
> This stuff exists, is (usually) useful (stubs excepted), but still...
> it can be a lot of links, and for any given person I'd think only one
> would be what they'd be looking for. 

It could also be interesting if a user were to submit a single Wikipedia
link, in any language, and MB could determine all of the supported
Wikipedia languages. Presumably they could also be refreshed
periodically to include new languages, accommodate removed pages, etc.


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