On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 04:17:58PM -0500, Kyle Wheeler wrote:
> Let's compare notes (granted, this is two years old): 
> http://www.memoryhole.net/kyle/2008/03/my_bashrc.html

Thanks for have(). Elegant simplicity _and_ readability!
(If only bash were more like that.)

In return, maybe somone can use my xterm double-click capture range
tuning for mutt, which makes it easier to snaffle complex URLs to the X
clipboard, e.g. for pasting to firefox or a vim session. (I have
~/.gnomerc fire up 4 suitably placed xterms, with mutt in the top right
one.) Here's the character class tuning for that window:

# CharClass:
# [&%-./:?...@]   Complex URLs with search terms also:                 (For 
mail client)
export M_CC='37-38:48,43:48,45-47:48,58:48,61:48,63-64:48'

And using it:

colours='-fg yellow -bg darkslategrey -cr red'

# -e "uses all parameters following the option", but can't cd, so work around 
pushd ~/mail                  # Obviate need for = prefix
/usr/bin/xterm $colours -sb -rightbar -geometry 100x${length}+650+10 -cc $M_CC 
-e mutt &

Now double-click grabs what's useful in emails. That's more than the
customisation for the other windows. (None are left at the xterm
default, which is a bit of a drag.)


The common view of science is that it is a sort of machine for increasing the
race's store of dependable facts. It is that only in part; in even larger part
it is a machine for upsetting undependable facts.              - H.L. Mencken

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