
I have mutt with sidebar patch configured for two account in such a
way so it will change sidebar when changing the account. Unfortunately
I'm experiencing strange problems with display which are followed by
segfault. Its difficult to explain so I did a screen cast to
illustrate the issue [1]. Please notice how after mutt's segfault even
output of simple 'ls -l' command is distorted.

I tried 'mutt-sidebar' [2] and 'uber-mutt' [3] from AUR (both using
different sidebar patches) but the issue persists. Mutt's behaviour is
the same regardless of using it under terminal without X-windows,
urxvt or tmux.

Content of my muttrc:

  set alias_file         = ${MUTTDIR}/aliases
  set mailcap_path       = ${MUTTDIR}/mailcap
  set tmpdir             = ${MUTTDIR}/temp
  source                 ${MUTTDIR}/aliases
  source                 ${MUTTDIR}/macros
  set mbox_type          = Maildir
  set folder             = ~/mail
  set spoolfile          = +gmail/INBOX
  set auto_tag
unset beep
  set beep_new
unset confirmappend
  set delete
unset markers
unset mark_old
  set menu_scroll
  set pager_context      = 5
  set pager_index_lines  = 10
  set pager_stop
  set reverse_alias
  set sendmail_wait      = -1
  set sort               = threads
  set sort_aux           = reverse-last-date-received
unset sort_re
  set thorough_search
  set thread_received
  set tilde
  set timeout            = 3
unset use_domain
unset wait_key
unset wrap_search
  set sidebar_width      = 25
  set sidebar_visible    = yes
  set sidebar_delim      = '|'
  bind index \Cp sidebar-prev
  bind index \Cn sidebar-next
  bind index \Co sidebar-open
  bind pager \Cp sidebar-prev
  bind pager \Cn sidebar-next
  bind pager \Co sidebar-open
  auto_view                text/html
  alternative_order        text/plain text/enriched text/html
  set alias_format       = "%4n %t %-20a %r"
  set compose_format     = "──| %v  :  Compose |────/ Approx. msg
size: %l   Atts. %a /%>─"
  set date_format        = "%m/%d/%y@%H:%M"
  set forward_format     = "Fwd: %s"
  set index_format       = "%3C %Z %D %-17.17F %s"
  set quote_regexp       = "^( {0,4}[>|:#%]| {0,4}[a-z0-9]+[>|]+)+"
  set reply_regexp       = "^(([Rr][Ee]?(\[[0-9]+\])?: *)?(\[[^]]+\] *)?)*"
  set status_format      = "-%r- %v ───────────/ %f %m%?n? [+%n]?%?d?
[-%d]?%?t? [*%t]? /%?p?───/ %p waiting to send /?─%>─(%P)───"
  set abort_nosubject
  set autoedit
  set edit_headers
  set forward_quote
  set include
  set realname            = "Me"
  set reply_to
  set reverse_name
unset user_agent
  ignore *
  unignore from: to: cc: date: subject:
  hdr_order from: to: cc: date: subject:
  folder-hook gmail/*     source ${MUTTDIR}/accounts/gmail
  folder-hook two/*       source ${MUTTDIR}/accounts/two
  subscribe offlineimap-project mutt-users
  folder-hook two/lists/(offlineimap|mutt-users|) "exec collapse-all"

Content of settings form specific accounts (both are almost the same
so here is just one):

color status green default
  set from                = 'Me <someth...@gmail.com> '
  set sendmail            = "/usr/bin/msmtpq -a gmail"
unmailboxes *
  mailboxes               = +gmail/INBOX +gmail/spam +gmail/drafts
+gmail/bin +gmail/sent +gmail/archive
  set postponed           = +gmail/drafts
  set record              = +gmail/sent
  set trash               = +gmail/bin
  set signature           = ${MUTTDIR}/sigs/gmail.sig

macro index ,c "<change-folder>+two/INBOX<return>" "change accounts"
macro index S "<save-message>+gmail/spam<enter>"  "mark message as spam"

I tried stripping muttrc to bare minimum, like so:

  set mbox_type          = Maildir
  set folder             = ~/mail
  set spoolfile          = +gmail/INBOX
  set sidebar_width      = 25
  set sidebar_visible    = yes
  set sidebar_delim      = '|'
  bind index \Cp sidebar-prev
  bind index \Cn sidebar-next
  bind index \Co sidebar-open
  bind pager \Cp sidebar-prev
  bind pager \Cn sidebar-next
  bind pager \Co sidebar-open
folder-hook gmail/*     source ${MUTTDIR}/accounts/gmail
folder-hook two/*       source ${MUTTDIR}/accounts/two

But that didn't help... Did anyone came across similar behaviour and -
what's more important - solution to it?

        1. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11250432/index.html
        2. http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=7168
        3. http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=37609


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