On 12-09-27 17:53:43, Jim Graham wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 12:07:51PM -0500, Luis Mochan wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 11:06:00PM +0200, Ambrevar wrote:
> > I don't recall any problem reading with Android 2.1 mail sent by
> > mutt. I use K-9 as my Android mail client in my phone. 
> > Best regards,
> > > My fellows recently let me aware of the fact that all the e-mail I've 
> > > sent them
> > > with Mutt could not be displayed correctly on their Android 2.* 
> > > smartphone. The
> > > mails display an empty body, the actual body being displayed as an 
> > > attachment
> > > (which Android may name 'Unknown.txt').
> First of all, you should try K-9 mail...or ANYTHING other than the stock
> e-mail app (same goes for the browser...I use Dolphin (which was Dolphin
> Browser HD for a little while, and now is back to just Dolphin), FWIW.
> Back to e-mail, though, like the stock browser, the stock e-mail
> basically isn't used by more than a relative few.  Few, if any, people
> that I'm aware of like either one.  But that's all a matter of personal
> preference, so I'll stop those comments here.
> Other than that, all I can say is I send mail to myself to/from my tablet
> all the time (when it's too small to be worth using FTP or a SAMBA
> mount).  I also forward e-mail that would look better in K-9, or that
> has links that I'd rather have on my tablet than on my Mac.  I've never
> had any problems.  My current tablet runs ICS, but I also had one that
> ran Froyo (an el-cheapo tablet Archos POS), and I also have a phone
> running Froyo that I used for e-mail before I got my tablets, and still,
> no problems (always using K-9 from day one with e-mail.).

Thanks for pointing me out this application. Actually it's not for me, but for 
fellows. I do not have an Android devices myself. I've suggested them using this
application instead.

But I must disagree: a *lot* of people are using the stock MUA. Simply because
they don't care. That's why this issue shouldn't be neglected.

Pierre Neidhardt

O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail - www.asciiribbon.org

The early bird gets the coffee left over from the night before.

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