You'll need to set up the authentication for msmtp. Snippet from msmtprc:


account david-email
port 25
protocol smtp
auth on
password yoursecretpassword

On Mon, Sep 05, 2022 at 03:49:59PM -0500, David Bryant wrote:
Hi. I'm new to this group. I'm looking for some help.

I recently built a Linux from Scratch system. I don't have any kind of
graphical interface set up there yet. I would like to use mutt to send and
receive email using a tty terminal. Mainyly for educational purposes. I'm
composing this message with KMail2, on a Gentoo system.

I have built mutt from the tarball, and I've done some configuration stuff. In
particular, I set up msmtp as my SMTP server locally. That looked like it's
easier to configure than sendmail is. I believe I got all the necessary
configuration variables set correctly. But I can't send email.

Everything goes fine until I'm ready to send an email message. I say "y" to
send the message, and mutt replies

"Error sending message, child exited 65 (Data format error)"

msmtp issues three error messages:

msmtp: recipient address not accepted by the server
msmtp: server message 554 5.7.1 <> Recipient address
rejected. Access denied.
msmtp could not send mail (account default from /home/dbryant/.msmtprc)

Any idea how I can get around this? I tried sending messages without going
through an external server, and that didn't seem to work either. Oh -- here's
the message from the "postponed" file.
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2022 18:26:53 +0000
From: David Bryant <>
Subject: This is a test
Message-ID: <YxPCS/7HG8FBnCfZ@localhost.localdomain>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
X-Mutt-Fcc: ~/sent

This is a test. This is only a test.

Any and all suggestions will be accepted gladly. Thanks!
David Bryant
Canyon Lake, Texas

Dan Ciprus

[ curl -L ]

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