On Thu, Apr 07, 2016 at 10:50:13PM +0200, bastian-muttu...@t6l.de wrote:
> On 07Apr16 19:53 +0200, Andreas wrote:
> > Am 07.04.2016 um 01:19 schrieb Cameron Simpson:
> > > Usually when I reach for notmuch it is because I have mismanaged my
> > > folders.  Hmm, that message about blah isn't there - where is it?
> Here, just a quick glimpse into my experience.
> I discovered an easy way of life, at the time I stopped to sort my mails
> into folders - either manually or automatically. For me it was just one
> big source of failures. Mails could sometimes be sorted into multiple
> folders, so where should I look to find that one again? And what the
> heck is the sent-folder for? It just rips threads apart.
> This made me change completely my email administration approx a decade
> ago. Now, I just use two maildirs. inbox and trash. Where trash is more
> the entire mail history and inbox a kind of todo or active threads.
> Mails I sent are also put into inbox, thus I can follow threaded
> discussions much better.


> By now I cannot imagine any solution which is more flexible (for me).
> Comments welcome!

That reminds me of https://gtdfh.branchable.com/

The media's the most powerful entity on earth. 
They have the power to make the innocent guilty 
and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power.
 -- Malcolm X

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