Hi all,

I am subscribed to email alerts from:

   From: Sysinternals Forums <fo...@forum.sysinternals.com>

However, threading never ever has seemed to work. I am finally
wanting to investigate why and if possible how to fix it.

Here is an example of a series of emails that should have been threaded:

     0    3 N Jan 08 Sysinternals Fo (2.6K) Sysinternals Forums Topic Reply 
Notification : dxgkrnl.sys and usbport.sys hardware interrupts
->   0  141 N Jan 07 Sysinternals Fo (4.0K) Sysinternals Forums Topic Reply 
Notification : dxgkrnl.sys and usbport.sys hardware interrupts
     0  165 N Jan 07 Sysinternals Fo (4.4K) Sysinternals Forums Topic Reply 
Notification : dxgkrnl.sys and usbport.sys hardware interrupts
     0  166 N Jan 07 Sysinternals Fo (4.4K) Sysinternals Forums Topic Reply 
Notification : dxgkrnl.sys and usbport.sys hardware interrupts
     0  184 N Jan 07 Sysinternals Fo (4.7K) Sysinternals Forums Topic Reply 
Notification : dxgkrnl.sys and usbport.sys hardware interrupts
     0  188 N Jan 07 Sysinternals Fo (6.6K) Sysinternals Forums Topic Reply 
Notification : dxgkrnl.sys and usbport.sys hardware interrupts

Here is my folder-hook to implement threading:

   folder-hook . \
                "set sort=reverse-threads ;\
                 set sort_aux=last-date-received ;\
                 set duplicate_threads=yes ;\
                 push '<delete-pattern>~=<enter>' ;\
                 push '<collapse-all>' ;\
                 set index_format='%3N %4C %S %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4c) %?M?%M> 
?%s'" ;\
                 set display_filter='t-prot -acelmtS -Mmutt --spass'"

Can anyone suggest why the aforementioned "Sysinternals Forums Topic Reply
Notification" emails would not be threaded or methods to try investigate why.



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