Hi all -
Like many mutt users, I have a corporate entity in my life which
demands a particular HTML signature.
The only way I have been able to successfully change my content type
to HTML is with this macro which i execute right before sending:

macro   compose H     "^T^Utext/html;<enter>"

This of course is not ideal because if I should happen to forget, I
end up sending html source as my sig.

When I try to do this with: my_hdr Content-Type: text/html
in the conf for that account, I do see it add that to the headers when
I compose; however, if I ^T before I send, I can see the type is still
text/plain.  If I try a send hook using my corporate domain as the
match, I get no headers at all in my message.

Which method is best for what I am trying to accomplish?  (In short,
when I send a message from xyz.com, I need the type to be text/html
and the html sig to be used.




=- krisedwa...@gmail.com
pgp http://goo.gl/ILNuGE

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