I often get mail from people whose corporate mail server
appends some type of disclaimer to their outgoing mail and then rewrites
the Subject line of those messages with "(See Notice Below)" appended to
it.  This means, however, that a reply from one of those people to a
message from me with the subject "Hello" would come back with a subject
of "Re: Hello (See Notice Below)", which doesn't get recognized as a
reply to my original message by mutt.  The last time I asked about this,
about three years ago, I was told that there was no way to create a
reply_regexp to handle this; is this still true?
        (As I understand it, the reason for this limitation is 
because of the way subject-based threading is done--namely, mails are
considered to be part of the same thread if, after deleting any part of
their subjects that match reply_regexp, they have the same subject.  How
hard would it be to have a different option that, rather than specifying
what portion of the subject to ignore, would specify what portion of the
subject to which to pay attention?  As an example, what if there were
two new params that, if defined, could override reply_regexp:
reply_regex_tokenize and reply_regex_keep?  A simple
reply_regex_tokenize, then, might be
"^((re|aw)[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*)?(.*)([[:space:]]*\(See Notice Below\))?$",
and the reply_regex_keep could be just "$3", which would say that the
part of each subject that should be compared would be the third "captured"
portion of each subject.  Many regex libraries already capture when using
parens anyway; I don't know if the one mutt uses does or not, but I don't
think that this would be too hard to implement even if it doesn't.  (I
only code perl, unfortunately, or I would just hack together a patch
myself.)  Does something like this seem reasonable/feasible?  Now that
I've thought of it, lots of other situations where that kind of
flexibility would be useful are occurring to me, so I imagine something
like this would be useful to other folks, too.)

        -- Sweth.

Sweth Chandramouli ; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
President, Idiopathic Systems Consulting

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