
* David T-G [2002-06-03 14:01:38 CEST] wrote:
> ...and then Rocco Rutte said...

> % > % Good, so your References: will hopefully re-appear? It seems
> % > % that your mails only have In-Reply-To.
> % 
> % > Well, it gets even better...  My reply to Sven was full 
> % > of references,
> % 
> % Not over here.

> Ahhh...  That's quite interesting, then.  I wonder where
> they went?

Vacation? Lunch break? ;-)

> I checked the copy that came back to me through the list,
> in fact, since it was just a message or two up in the same
> folder.  So where did your copy of the references go?

You mean that yours are complete? If so, this is really
weired. All other messages have correct References including
yours -- until some a certain point, only the In-Reply-To
was available.

> How odd.  Time to check all of your posts and see when you
> quit getting references, and from whom...

You mean, my messages don't have References at your side? If
so, then your setup is broken since everything is identical
in my fcc box.  The References: header of my mails contain
(...where I answered yours) only two entries: the parent
Message- ID (one of yours) and the Message-ID in the
parent's message In-Reply-To: (one of mine).

I conclude: we need a referee... ;-)

Cheers, Rocco

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