On Tue, 25 Sep 2001 at 06:20:33 +0200, Piet Delport wrote:
[snip mutt and leafnode not working]
> I think the problem is leafnode related, as mutt works perfectly on my
> ISP's news server.
> Version info: 
>       Mutt (2001-08-30)
>       Leafnode+ NNTP Daemon, version 2.14
> Any clues?

It seems the problem is a bad interaction between the VVV patch and
leafnode 2.14, while they both work fine on their own.

Version 1.9.19 of leafnode seems to work though.  Has anyone else
experienced success/failure with the above combination?

Vsevolod, if you're reading this, are you interested in tracking this
problem down, if it's on mutt's side?  I'll be happy to provide more
info and/or a test server, if needed.


Piet Delport <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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