I've been trying to get Mutt 1.5.21 working directly with Gmail (only
for outgoing e-mail---I already have fetchmail working nicely via cron
for incoming e-mail), and am down to what I believe is the last step:
getting SASL into the build.

There's just one problem....  Based on what I've read on the net,
cyrus-sasl-2.1.23 is the one I need.  I downloaded it, compiled it
(./configure ; make ; and [as root] make install).  Then, it asked
me to make a symbolic link from /usr/local/lib/sasl2 to /usr/lib/sasl2,
which I did.  Then I went back to the xterm where I was building Mutt,
and -with-sasl failed to find sasl-encode64.  So I tried --with-sasl=...
where ... is:

And no matter which of these I use, it still won't find the library
that includes sasl-encode64.  So I went into the cyrus-sasl code, did
a grep, and found it in saslutil.lo (.lo?  module, maybe?), and I
copied that to the sasl2 directory.  Still nothing.

I've got this to the point now where I'm fairly sure it's already
authenticating and making an SSL/TLS connection (which I believe is
required before gmail's smtp server even offers the ability to log
in), and it just needs SASL to get it finished...but I haven't found
any documentation that incidates, or even hints at, what I'm doing

Does anyone here have it working, and know what I'm doing wrong here?

As it is, the version of Mutt I've been using for a while (and previous
versions back to the early days when Mutt was just a puppy---well before
1.0) don't know anything about SMTP, and my sendmail doesn't know how
to authenticate (and I now longer know sendmail.cf like I used to, and
the .mc files are worse, in my opinion).


73 DE N5IAL (/4)        MiSTie #49997  < Running FreeBSD 7.0 >
spooky1...@gmail.com ICBM/Hurricane: 30.44406N 86.59909W
Point Lobos Photography Set 1 (Photo-posters):  http://jdgapps.com

        Do not look into waveguide with remaining eye!

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