Somtimes I think it would be nice if people posted tips as well as
questions.  Here are two vim functions that I find convenient - I dislike
having to postion the cursor on the relevant header and then navigate
back to where I was.  These vim functions prompt you for the new
header and after changing the header, leave your cursor where you

You do have edit_hdrs in mutt set don't you ;)

fun!  Edit_to()
  normal ms
  let argument = input("Enter To: ")
  let string =  argument
  execute "%s/^To:.*/To: " . argument
  normal `s
map \t :call Edit_to()<cr>

fun!  Edit_subject()
  normal ms
  let argument = input("Enter Subject: ")
  let string = argument
  execute "%s/^Subject:.*/Subject: " . argument
  normal `s
map \e :call Edit_subject()<cr>

Eric Smith

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