Iīm using slrn to follow just a few ngīs, and while it has
muttīs look, it doesnīt have its feeling: I donīt feel
comfortable with slang, itīs not as (easily)? configurable as
mutt, plus slrnpull is giving me a headache at the moment.

I d/loaded a couple of nntp patches for mutt, namely
patch-1.2.5.vvv.nntp and mutt_1.2.5-nntp2.diff, and Iīd like
to know which of both will work better (mail privately if this
is OT, please) or is more up to date.  A comparison would be

Ideally, I would like to use mutt for news like I do for mail,
using external programs from inside mutt to retrieve and post
news articles like I use fetchmail and sendmail to fetch and
send mail messages ... perhaps leafnode if possible.

Things Iīd like supported for newsboxes and articles are
hooks for sigs, headers, etc., pgp/gpg sigs (little point for
encryption), encoding/decoding either throug uudecode or
uudeview, ...

Thank you for your input/view,

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