Hi there,

I've got problems with the pgp encryption.

I'm using pgp2 and did everything described in the PGP-Notes.
PGP decoding works slow, but great.

When replying to a pgp encoded mail I get asked for a keyID.
What do I need to enter there? Regardless of what I've tried, I get the keyID query 
again and again.
Isn't what I'm entering there the '%r', which is passed to the command:
  pgp_encrypt_only_command="pgp +encrypttoself +language=mutt +verbose=0 +batchmode 
-aeft %r < %f"

I've tried this outside mutt in an xterm and it worked.
Inside mutt I still keep in the loop of the keyID query. What's wrong?

Thx for help,

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