
I know two person using the same email-address. I have defined aliases
for both person. While replying to one of them I recognized a strange
behavior of mutt.

The relevant settings in my muttrc are:

alias alias1     Person1 Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
alias alias2     Person2 Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
set attribution="Hello %v!\n\n%n wrote:\n"'
set index_format="%F"
set reverse_alias=yes

The first strange behavior occurs in the index menu. Although Person2
mailed with

| From: Person2 Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The index-menu shows

| Person1 Name

The real nuisance occurs when replying to an email from Person2
The 'To: '-header and attribution in this case are:

| To: Person2 Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Hello Person1!
| Person1 Name wrote:

A workaround to this problem would be:

a procmailrule

and in muttrc

set reverse_alias=yes
folder-hook .* set reverse_alias=yes
folder-hook =special-folder set reverse_alias=no

or (even better!) a procmailrule like
* !^From: [A-Z][a-z]* [A-Z][a-z]* <.*>

and in muttrc

set reverse_alias=no
folder-hook .* set reverse_alias=no
folder-hook =special-folder1 set reverse_alias=yes

But is this really necessary? Wouldn't it make more sense that mutt
tries to determine if there is a (possibly valid) realname in the
'From: '-header and when one is found uses this instead of the reversed
BTW: The manual should explain that setting this variable may change %F,
%L, %v and %n in $index_format/$attribution.

If I missed any options/variables I would be glad to be pointed at them.
And yes, I thought about using a send-hook. This would have the
disadvantage, that I could not toggle reverse_alias until changing
folder, sending a mail to someone else or defining a macro and using it


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