This is done through the DAEMON. I can't recall the feature in Mutt that
uses it, dsn? Either way, it needs to be supported by the DAEMON. It is
essentially a return-receipt.

On Thu, Aug 24, 2000 at 01:41:03PM +0200, Stefan Alfredsson muttered:
| [Please cc: me replies as I'm not subscribed to the list.]
| Hello,
| I often find myself in a situation where I send off a mail
| to which I expect a reply, however sometimes there is
| no reply and I forget about the whole issue altogether.
| What I'm wondering is, is there some "mail-tracking" mechanism
| in mutt, e.g. when I send a mail I tag it with something
| like "await-reply", and when a matching message
| (using the threading herurestics maybe) the flag is cleared,
| and moved from the "await-reply" folder.
| If there is no solution, maybe it could be added to the wishlist,
| as I guess more people than me have this dilemma :)
| Regards,
|  Stefan

/Jason G Helfman

"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."

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