Re: Config Files, and Remaining Confusion with html-mail

2013-01-25 Thread Marco Giusti
On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 12:26:11PM -0500, Mark H. Wood wrote:
  Second(personal issue):  I'm still having problems with
  getting my html-mail to open(in a new tab) in my browser,
  which is Firefox(Debianers call it iceweasel).  Often,
  when I use 'v' on an entry in my mutt display, and then
  Arrow down to 3 . . . . [text/html . . . ., and then
  press Enter, a new Tab does open in my browser, and I see
  the html-mail displayed nicely.  Even then I get, in my
  browser-Tab: file:///home/alan/tmp/mutt.html, but there
  is no such file in my ~/tmp directory!
  But, too often, I get a quick new tab, a tenth of a second
  look at the html I want to see, and then mutt thinks better
  of it and I get a screen:  
 File not found  Iceweasel can't find the file at
  The decision which way mutt will go between these two
  alternatives is, as far as I can see, quite arbitrary.
 You probably need to add ; needsterminal to your .mailcap entry for
 text/html so that Mutt will ask you to hit a key when the external
 program (Iceweasel) is finished.  For more on .mailcap and how Mutt
 interprets it, see:
 especially the section Optional Fields.
 This sounds like what is usually called a race condition.  Two
 processes are trying to use the same resource without sufficient
 coordination.  Some times one process completes first, other times the
 other completes first.  This causes differing behavior at different
 Here, I expect that Mutt is writing out that temporary file, invoking
 Iceweasel, and then cleaning up the temporary file without concerning
 itself with whether Iceweasel has had time to start itself and open
 the file.  If Iceweasel already has the file open, then Mutt can
 delete it now and it will go away when Iceweasel closes it.  Otherwise
 Iceweasel goes to open the file it was told to show, and the file is
 not there, because it was already deleted by Mutt.
 There are at least two ways to cure a race.  The simple one is to get
 one process to wait for the other to finish, or at least fully start.
 The more complex (but preferred if it is not too difficult) way is to
 have the processes tell each other how they're proceeding so that each
 can make good decisions.  The simple way here is to get Mutt to wait
 until you tell it to proceed.

third one, less scientific but it works most of the times: add the
following lines to your ~/.mailcap

text/html; sensible-browser %s  sleep 2; nametemplate=%s.html
text/html; w3m -I %{charset} -T text/html -dump %s; print=w3m -I 
%{charset} -T text/html -dump %s; nametemplate=%s.html; copiousoutput

you can substitute sensible-browser with iceweasel or firefox. I don't
remember why I did not set the test field on the first line:

test=sh -c 'test $DISPLAY'

Few questions about colors and regex

2012-12-01 Thread Marco Giusti
Hello, I have a few question about the use of color. Starting with the

- can I use `underline` with color? I think not, I tried but I failed
  but I also found on Internet some config files with this

- does exist a non greedy version of * (0 or more) in mutt's regexp (In
  vim is \{-})? I'd like to highlight *bla bla* but not *this*

should be not highlighted

  This is what I have actually:

  color body brightdefault default \
  (^| )\\*([-a-z0-9*]+\\*|[-a-z0-9*][-a-z0-9* ]*[-a-z0-9*]+)\\*[[:punct:]]?( 

- can I `highligh` only the header name and not the full header? i.e.:
  Subject: blablabla


Re: Few questions about colors and regex

2012-12-01 Thread Marco Giusti
On Sat, Dec 01, 2012 at 11:50:48AM +0100, Rado Q wrote:
  - does exist a non greedy version of * (0 or more) in mutt's regexp (In
vim is \{-})? I'd like to highlight *bla bla* but not *this*
 No, exclude '*' in greedy-relevant matches.
 See wiki - configlist - my wrapper script for HI_STAR.

Thanks, the link[*] to the pic is brocken.


Re: keep headers fixed in pager

2012-10-06 Thread Marco Giusti
On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 10:20:56PM +0200, steve wrote:
 Is it possible, while reading a mail, to keep the headers fixed while 
 down the message? I experienced many times when I have to go back to the top 
 the message to see who has been CCied for example. Keeping chosen headers 
 would be really useful (in some circumstances).
 I tried to dig the archives for a solution but since I'm not sure I've got the
 right keywords, my search failed.

rough but I think it does what you need, but I would not use it


#!/usr/bin/env python
# vim: set encoding=utf8 :

import sys
import curses

KEY_UP = (curses.KEY_UP, ord('k'))
KEY_DOWN = (curses.KEY_DOWN, ord('j'))
KEY_LEFT = (curses.KEY_LEFT, ord('h'))
KEY_RIGHT = (curses.KEY_RIGHT, ord('l'))

def print_body(pager, body_l, r, c, y=0, x=0):
for i, line in enumerate(body_l[y:r+y]):
pager.addstr(i, 0, line[x:c+x])

def do(stdscr):
with open(sys.argv[1]) as fp:
email =
status, headers, body = email.split('\n\n', 2)
headers_l = headers.split('\n')
body_l = body.split('\n')
y, x = stdscr.getmaxyx()
num_h = len(headers_l)
num_b = len(body_l)
r, c = y - num_h - 1, x
# maxx = max(map(len, body_l))
pager = stdscr.subpad(r, c, num_h+1, 0)
for i, line in enumerate(headers_l):
stdscr.addstr(i, 0, line)

cur_line = 0
cur_col = 0
touched = True

while 1:
if touched:
print_body(pager, body_l, r, c, cur_line, cur_col)
touched = False
ch = stdscr.getch()
if ch == ord('q'):
elif ch in KEY_DOWN:
if cur_line  num_b - r:
cur_line += 1
touched = True
elif ch in KEY_UP:
if cur_line  0:
cur_line -= 1
touched = True
elif ch in KEY_LEFT:
if cur_col  0:
cur_col -= 1
touched = True
elif ch in KEY_RIGHT:
cur_col += 1
touched = True


Re: change profile on the fly

2012-08-16 Thread Marco Giusti
On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 09:50:15AM -0300, Marcelo Laia wrote:
 How I would change the current profile on the fly?
 I have 3 account and I would like to send mails with my username
 according to current account.

maybe this approach is a bit rude, but:

macro compose H 'enter-commandset sendmail=~/bin/msmtpQ -a 
hotmailenteredit-fromMarco Giusti 
 Send email with hotmail account
macro compose G 'enter-commandset sendmail=~/bin/msmtpQ -a 
gmailenteredit-fromMarco Giusti 
Send email with gmail account

in addiction to some send-hooks.


Re: mutt, html and chrome

2012-05-16 Thread Marco Giusti
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 03:50:56PM -0500, Luis Mochan wrote:
  Looks more like mutt is handing over the URI file:///tmp/mutt.html to
  your browser and before this has time to fetch the file, mutt has
  deleted it again; depends on your configuration in .mailcap
 I'm using the system's defaults since some long time ago. I guess the
 relevant lines in my /etc/mailcap are:
   text/html; /usr/bin/sensible-browser '%s'; description=HTML Text; 
   text/html; /usr/bin/iceweasel '%s'; description=HTML Text; test=test -n 
 $DISPLAY;  nametemplate=%s.html
   text/html; /usr/bin/w3m -T text/html '%s'; needsterminal; description=HTML 
 Text; nametemplate=%s.html
   text/html; /usr/bin/lynx -force_html '%s'; needsterminal; description=HTML 
 Text; nametemplate=%s.html
   text/html; /usr/bin/w3m -dump -T text/html '%s'; copiousoutput; 
 description=HTML Text; nametemplate=%s.html
   text/html; /usr/bin/html2text '%s'; copiousoutput; description=HTML Text
   text/html; /usr/bin/lynx -dump -force_html '%s'; copiousoutput; 
 description=HTML Text; nametemplate=%s.html
 Years ago I used to have 
   text/html; w3m %s; needsterminal; description=HTML Text; 
   text/html; w3m -dump %s; copiousoutput; description=HTML Text; 
 in my own .mailcap, in order to display html in a terminal, but now they
 are commented out. 
 So the question now is, what should I put in my .mailcap?

This seems more like an hack but it works most of the times:

text/html; /usr/bin/sensible-browser '%s'  sleep 2; ...
text/html; /usr/bin/iceweasel '%s'  sleep 2; ...

 The other question is what changed? This problem seems to be very
 recent in my setup.

I don't know


Re: Firefox mailto: links not working correctly

2011-11-27 Thread Marco Giusti
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 04:29:06PM +, Chris Green wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 02:02:11PM -0500, Patrice Levesque wrote:
   attached a simple script that is use. set it executable and call this
   from firefox, not mutt directly
  I believe there's no need for pyrotechnics :)
  As mutt supports mailto: URLs natively, this suffices:
  exec xterm -e mutt $@
 What I actually ended up with was:-
 xfce4-terminal -e mutt -F /home/chris/.mutt/muttrc $@

a bit off topic but I think that the -F option is superflous (may not
be). from the manual:

Mutt will next look for a file named .muttrc in your home directory.
If this file does not exist and your home directory has a
subdirectory named .mutt, Mutt tries to load a file named

Re: Firefox mailto: links not working correctly

2011-11-24 Thread Marco Giusti
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 01:44:03PM +, Chris Green wrote:
 I have a pretty standard Firefox 3.6.24 running in xubuntu.
 I have mutt set as my default E-Mail application in Preferred
 Applications and in Firefox's preferences.  However it's not working
 properly, when I click on a mailto: link an empty E-Mail gets sent.
 It looks to me as if this is something to do with mutt needing a
 terminal window to run in but all the menus seem to know about mutt
 already as if they should know this.
 Can anyone suggest what might be wrong?

attached a simple script that is use. set it executable and call this
from firefox, not mutt directly
#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import sys
import cgi
import urlparse
import subprocess
import tempfile
import contextlib

tmpfile = None

def fdopen(fd, mode='r', bufsize=-1):
yield os.fdopen(fd, mode, bufsize)

def simpleParam(hname):
def _(hvalue):
return hname, hvalue
return _

def bodyParam(hvalue):
global tmpfile

fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp()
tmpfile = filename
with fdopen(fd, 'w') as fp:
return '-i', filename

ARGS = {
'subject': simpleParam('-s'),
'bcc': simpleParam('-b'),
'cc': simpleParam('-c'),
'body': bodyParam,

def filterParams(name):
return name in ARGS

def parsequery(query):
args = []
parts = urlparse.urlparse(query, scheme='mailto')
to = parts[2]
if to.find('?')  0:
to, params = to.split('?', 1)
params = cgi.parse_qs(params)
for name in filter(filterParams, params):
hvalue = ','.join(params[name])
args += ARGS[name](hvalue)

args += ['--', to]
return args

if len(sys.argv) == 1:
print  sys.stderr, 'Usage: %s address' % sys.argv[0]

args = ['xterm', '-e', 'mutt'] + parsequery(sys.argv[1])
retcode =
if tmpfile and os.path.exists(tmpfile):


Re: Firefox mailto: links not working correctly

2011-11-24 Thread Marco Giusti
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 02:02:11PM -0500, Patrice Levesque wrote:
  attached a simple script that is use. set it executable and call this
  from firefox, not mutt directly
 I believe there's no need for pyrotechnics :)
 As mutt supports mailto: URLs natively, this suffices:
 exec xterm -e mutt $@

I wrote that script some time ago when, I don't remember exactly what,
some field did not worked as expected.

Re: Firefox mailto: links not working correctly

2011-11-24 Thread Marco Giusti
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 02:55:16PM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
 * Marco Giusti [11-24-11 14:49]:
  On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 02:02:11PM -0500, Patrice Levesque wrote:
   As mutt supports mailto: URLs natively, this suffices:
   exec xterm -e mutt $@
  I wrote that script some time ago when, I don't remember exactly what,
  some field did not worked as expected.
 I just tested it on openSUSE 12.1 and it worked fine.

I think it was for mutt 1.5.[18-20] but I agree that now, after Patrice
pointed out to me, is completely useless.

Re: Firefox mailto: links not working correctly

2011-11-24 Thread Marco Giusti
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 03:37:59PM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
 * Marco Giusti [11-24-11 15:24]:
  On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 02:55:16PM -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
   * Marco Giusti [11-24-11 14:49]:
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 02:02:11PM -0500, Patrice Levesque wrote:
 As mutt supports mailto: URLs natively, this suffices:
 exec xterm -e mutt $@

I wrote that script some time ago when, I don't remember exactly what,
some field did not worked as expected.
   I just tested it on openSUSE 12.1 and it worked fine.
  I think it was for mutt 1.5.[18-20] but I agree that now, after Patrice
  pointed out to me, is completely useless.
 I don't understand useless.  It works as intended and I have mutt-1.5.21

my script, i wrote it to handle complex mailto links, but now mutt can
do it well without any external help so I think it is pretty useless

Re: mairix can not index on some mailbox

2011-10-17 Thread Marco Giusti
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:55:21AM +0800, stardiviner wrote:
 WARNING: Folder path /home/chris/.mutt/mails/Arch  does not exist
 WARNING: Folder path /home/chris/.mutt/mails/FVWM  does not exist
 WARNING: Folder path /home/chris/.mutt/mails/Awesome  does not exist

try this instead:

$ ls -l /home/chris/.mutt/mails

it could be they are links or they are not folder.

Re: mutt fails to send

2011-10-03 Thread Marco Giusti
On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 11:46:25AM -0700, Alexander Harizanov wrote:
 Hi all,
 I have mutt under debian lenny. I configured it to work with my gmail 
 account. When I tried to send email it failed with message msmtp: envelope 
 from not accepted by the server msmtp: server 
 message 530.5.5.1 authentication required
 There is no problem with receiving messages from gmail through fetchmail and 
 Any ideas how to fix this ?

what is your msmtp configuration? with the following one I have no
problems, excepting you are not receiving this email.

  1 defaults
  2 auth on
  3 tls on
  4 tls_starttls on
  5 logfile ~/.cache/log/msmtp
  6 tls_nocertcheck
  8 # gmail
  9 account gmail
 10 host
 11 from
 12 user
 13 password ***

Re: multiple IMAP accounts

2011-05-09 Thread Marco Giusti
On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 08:55:21AM +0200, David Froger wrote:
 When I run mutt, mutt ask me the password for zimbra.HOST2, then
 connects to zimbra.HOST2 (I can read the mails) but I don't know how
 to access my Gmail account.

use `mailboxes` command so you can switch between in browser.

mailboxes imaps://
mailboxes imaps://zimbra.HOST2/


C'è un'ape che se posa
su un bottone di rosa:
lo succhia e se ne va...
Tutto sommato, la felicità
è una piccola cosa.
-- Trilussa, Felicità

Re: multiple IMAP accounts

2011-05-09 Thread Marco Giusti
On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 11:37:41AM +0200, David Froger wrote:
 It's working, thanks a lot!
 account-hook imaps:// (...)
 folder-hook imaps:// (...)
 this works:
 mailboxes imaps://
 but this does not work (mutt ask my username/passwd, but can't connect):
 mailboxes imaps://
 I think it was my problem in previous tests.

I don't know mutt internals and this is just a guess but I think that
the problem is the explicit imap port in the _account-hook_ and the final
slash in the _mailboxes_ command. These are the relative lines i had:

account-hook imaps://imap\.gmail\.com/ 'set'
account-hook imaps://imap\.gmail\.com/ 'set imap_pass=cucu'
mailboxes imaps://


 2011/5/9 Marco Giusti
  On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 08:55:21AM +0200, David Froger wrote:
  When I run mutt, mutt ask me the password for zimbra.HOST2, then
  connects to zimbra.HOST2 (I can read the mails) but I don't know how
  to access my Gmail account.
  use `mailboxes` command so you can switch between in browser.
         mailboxes imaps://
         mailboxes imaps://zimbra.HOST2/

Nessuno come me si è creato una società reale evocando delle ombre; al
punto che la vita dei miei ricordi assorbe il sentimento della mia
vita reale.
-- René de Chateaubriand, Mémoires d'Outre-tombe

Re: folder in incoming mailbox

2011-05-09 Thread Marco Giusti
On Mon, May 09, 2011 at 12:35:16PM +0200, David Froger wrote:
 With the following .muttrc, I can list and access to the folders foo,
 bar, baz using y and c? :
 set imap_authenticators = login
 set imap_passive = no
 set imap_check_subscribed = yes
 set imap_list_subscribed = yes
 set ssl_starttls = yes
 set spoolfile = imaps://zimbra.HOST
 set imap_user = USER
 set folder=imaps://zimbra.HOST/Inbox/
 mailboxes = imaps://zimbra.HOST/Inbox/
 mailboxes = imaps://zimbra.HOST/Inbox/foo
 mailboxes = imaps://zimbra.HOST/Inbox/bar
 mailboxes = imaps://zimbra.HOST/Inbox/baz
 So, I have put a mailboxes command for each folder foo,bar,baz
 I have noted that, with another account (Gmail), the folder are
 detected automatically,
 without having to use the mailboxes command, which is convenient.
 I would like to know if there were a way to have folder detected
 automatically with my zimbra.HOST account too?

Have you try to connect to the zimbra.HOST? For what I know the folder
list is dowloaded once you connected to the imap server and only then
you can browse them.

Check also the `imap_list_subscribed` variable, I seted it to `no`.


Dalle virtù che si esigono in un domestico, l'Eccellenza Vostra conosce molti
padroni degni d'esser servitori?
-- Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Re: Wrapping non-wrapped e-mail when replying

2011-04-27 Thread Marco Giusti
On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 10:59:04AM -0400, Trey Sizemore wrote:
 I'd like to find out how to wrap long lines in e-mails that I'm replying
 to.  My mutt is setup to automatically wrap lines when I compose, but
 I'd like to be able to also lap long lines in e-mails when I reply.
 I have googled and see that with Vim as the editor, 'gq' is likely what
 I want, but reading the help on this I'm still not sure how to
 invoke/use it.

Take a try with this line. First reply to this email, move the cursor to this 
line an press consecutively Vgq. V select the whole line while gq wraps it.

 Ideally, it would be nice to have the lines in the original e-mail that
 are too long to automatically be wrapped in the reply when I hit 'r'.

I don't think it is hard to do this. Just tell vim to select the whole
file and wrap at startup.


Re: Open attachments without blocking mutt

2010-11-28 Thread Marco Giusti
On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 08:42:05PM +0100, Jose M Vidal wrote:
 While opening and viewing mutt attachments, mutt is not available
 until I close the attachment app (evince, chrome, etc)
 Is there any way to open attachments while keeping the mutt terminal 
 Thanks a lot!

I use mutt_bgrun (attached), a script I found on internet. It contains
copyrights notes so I don't repeat them here, just it's not me that
wrote the script. For what I remember with mutt_bgrun I found other
useful scripts.


Nessuno come me si è creato una società reale evocando delle ombre; al
punto che la vita dei miei ricordi assorbe il sentimento della mia
vita reale.
-- René de Chateaubriand, Mémoires d'Outre-tombe
# @(#) mutt_bgrun $Revision: 1.4 $

#   mutt_bgrun - run an attachment viewer from mutt in the background
#   Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Gary A. Johnson
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#   mutt_bgrun viewer [viewer options] file
#   Mutt invokes external attachment viewers by writing the
#   attachment to a temporary file, executing the pipeline specified
#   for that attachment type in the mailcap file, waiting for the
#   pipeline to terminate, writing nulls over the temporary file,
#   then deleting it.  This causes problems when using graphical
#   viewers such as qvpview and acroread to view attachments. 
#   If qvpview, for example, is executed in the foreground, the mutt
#   user interface is hung until qvpview exits, so the user can't do
#   anything else with mutt until he or she finishes reading the
#   attachment and exits qvpview.  This is especially annoying when
#   a message contains several MS Office attachments--one would like
#   to have them all open at once. 
#   If qvpview is executed in the background, it must be given
#   enough time to completely read the file before returning control
#   to mutt, since mutt will then obliterate the file.  Qvpview is
#   so slow that this time can exceed 20 seconds, and the bound is
#   unknown.  So this is again annoying. 
#   The solution provided here is to invoke the specified viewer
#   from this script after first copying mutt's temporary file to
#   another temporary file.  This script can then quickly return
#   control to mutt while the viewer can take as much time as it
#   needs to read and render the attachment. 
#   To use qvpview to view MS Office attachments from mutt, add the
#   following lines to mutt's mailcap file.
#   application/msword; mutt_bgrun qvpview %s
#   application/;   mutt_bgrun qvpview %s
#   application/;  mutt_bgrun qvpview %s
#   Gary A. Johnson
#   My thanks to the people who have commented on this script and
#   offered solutions to shortcomings and bugs, especially Edmund
#   GRIMLEY EVANS and Andreas Somogyi


# Check the arguments first.

if [ $# -lt 2 ]
echo usage: $prog viewer [viewer options] file 2
exit 1

# Separate the arguments.  Assume the first is the viewer, the last is
# the file, and all in between are options to the viewer.


while [ $# -gt 1 ]
options=$options $1


# Create a temporary directory for our copy of the temporary file.
# This is more secure than creating a temporary file in an existing
# directory.

umask 077
mkdir $tmpdir || exit 1

# Copy mutt's temporary file to our temporary directory so that we can
# let mutt overwrite and delete it when we exit.

cp $file $tmpfile

# Run the viewer in the background and delete the temporary files when done. 

$viewer $options $tmpfile
rm -f $tmpfile
rmdir $tmpdir

Re: Getting mutt print to do duplex

2010-10-13 Thread Marco Giusti
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 10:25:24AM +0100, Christian Ebert wrote:
 P.S. even though Mutt has the break-thread function it would be
 nice if you started a new thread with a new topic. Thanks.

Wow, I did not know that function of mutt. Nice to know. It would be
great a tip of the day for mutt, maybe using twitter or fortune or


In se stesso il toscano ha fiducia, pur senza orgoglio, ma negli uomini,
nella pianta uomo, no. In fondo, credo che disprezzi il genere umano,
tutti gli esseri umani, maschi e femmine. E non per la loro cattiveria,
(al toscano non fan paura i cattivi), ma per la loro stupidità. Degli
stupidi il toscano ha ribrezzo, perché non si sa mai che cosa possa
venir fuori da uno stupido. Guarda, dico, come il toscano cammina: e ti
avvedrai che cammina come se stesse sempre sulle sue, come uomo che sa,
per antica esperienza, che la cosa più aborrita al mondo è
l'intelligenza, e la più insidiata.
-- Curzio Malaparte, Maledetti toscani

Re: How to match all theaded emails excluding the first one?

2010-09-20 Thread Marco Giusti
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 08:36:02PM +0800, Yue Wu wrote:
 P.S., how does mutt dertermine threads? Maybe it's better and more
 reliable than the ~s Re: way?

I got another idea that uses mutt's thread capability. I test it but i
didn't create a macro (because I'm lazy) and I leave it to you as exercise.

Uncollapse all threads (Esc+V), tag all messages (T and '.' as pattern),
collapse all threads (Esc+V again) tag all messages (T and '.' again).

What you get is that all messages excluded the first ones in every
thread are tagged. At this point I don't know if you need to uncollapse
all threads again to delete the messages or not (I didn't tryed this :).


C'è un'ape che se posa
su un bottone di rosa:
lo succhia e se ne va...
Tutto sommato, la felicità
è una piccola cosa.

-- Trilussa, Felicità

Re: How to match all theaded emails excluding the first one?

2010-09-19 Thread Marco Giusti
On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 09:23:15AM +0800, Yue Wu wrote:
 Hi list,
 As title, I want to keep all of the topics, but delete all of the

You can tag/search/delete responses using an heuristic expression, the
simpler comes in my mind:

~s Re:

If the emails are not too much, tag them using this expression and then
perform a manually check.


Cosa volete? Questo diavolo d'uomo ha sempre le tasche ripiene di argomenti
-- Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

Re: folder-hook doesn't work anymore with gmail

2010-06-27 Thread Marco Giusti
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 08:50:32AM +0200, Marco Giusti wrote:
 hi mutt users,
  time ago i set folder hooks to set different macros for different
 folders, in particulary gmail's imap. now these hooks don't work
 anymore. i controlled it twice and i'm preatty sure they worked for a
 while: when i change folder and enter gmail's inbox, folder variable is
 still set to '~/mail' and macros are not changed.

I found the error and it's also and old bug[1] closed as won't fix.
Before the hook I had a comment line ending with a backslash, like this

# \
folder-hook . 'push collapse-all'

This is not exactly what I expect comments work. Quoting bash manual

... a word beginning with # causes that word and all remaining
characters on that  line to be ignored.



Dalle virtù che si esigono in un domestico, l'Eccellenza Vostra conosce molti
padroni degni d'esser servitori?
-- Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais

folder-hook doesn't work anymore with gmail

2010-06-25 Thread Marco Giusti
hi mutt users,

 time ago i set folder hooks to set different macros for different
folders, in particulary gmail's imap. now these hooks don't work
anymore. i controlled it twice and i'm preatty sure they worked for a
while: when i change folder and enter gmail's inbox, folder variable is
still set to '~/mail' and macros are not changed.

i'm using debian testing's package[1] and before debian stable, maybe in
the upgrade something changed.


here the hooks:

unhook folder-hook

folder-hook . 'push collapse-all; \
set folder=~/mail; \
source ~/.mutt/key_bindings; \
macro index,pager S enter-commandunset 
wait_keyenterpipe-messagespamassassin --progress 
-renterenter-commandset wait_keyentersave-message=spamenter \
Tags a given message as SPAM and report it to 
spamassassin; \
macro index,pager H enter-commandunset 
wait_keyenterpipe-messagesa-learn --progress --hamenterenter-commandset 
wait_keyentersave-message=inboxenter \
Tags a given message as HAM and save it to inbox;'

folder-hook 'imaps://imap\.gmail\.com/' 'set 
folder=imaps://; \
macro index,pager S 
save-message=[GoogleescspaceMail]/Spamenter \
Mark message as spam; \
macro index,pager H save-message=INBOXenter mark message 
as ham;'

[1] Mutt 1.5.20 (2009-06-14)
Copyright (C) 1996-2009 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: Linux (x86_64)
ncurses: ncurses 5.7.20100313 (compiled with 5.7)
libidn: 1.15 (compiled with 1.18)
hcache backend: tokyocabinet 1.4.37
Opzioni di compilazione:
To contact the developers, please mail to
To report a bug, please visit


Re: folder-hook doesn't work anymore with gmail

2010-06-25 Thread Marco Giusti
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 09:08:56AM +0200, Michael Ludwig wrote:
 Marco Giusti schrieb am 25.06.2010 um 08:50 (+0200):
  i'm using debian testing's package[1] and before debian stable, maybe
  in the upgrade something changed.
 There is a slight version change:   - stable  - mutt (1.5.18-6) - testing - mutt (1.5.20-9)

Changelogs don't explain why my configuration doesn't work anymore.
Maybe I am missing something oblivious.


C'è un'ape che se posa
su un bottone di rosa:
lo succhia e se ne va...
Tutto sommato, la felicità
è una piccola cosa.

-- Trilussa, Felicità

Re: Is Fetchmail still in vogue?

2009-12-22 Thread Marco Giusti
On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 03:54:36PM -0800, Mun wrote:
1) Is Fetchmail still in vogue?  Or is there a better application
   that I should use to retrieve my e-mail?

i used fetchmail but after some reads (long time ago) i decided to  
switch to getmail. they were about fetchmail security an bugs. to be
onest i never had a problem about fetchmail but i confideted on them.   

2) It appears that 'fetchmailconf' has been obsoleted.  That is, Red   
   Hat no longer provides it in there Fetchmail RPM.  Does anyone  
   know if there is a replacement? 

fetchmail syntax is not so bad. it is easy to learn and indeed easier   
than the getmail's syntax. (why did i switch to getmail?)   


ps. sorry for the provate reply 

Intelligence: Finding an error in a Knuth text.
Stupidity: Cashing that $2.56 check you got.

Description: Digital signature

Re: muttprint on PDF

2009-12-08 Thread Marco Giusti
Sorry, i did not reply to the list.

On Tue, Dec 08, 2009 at 09:57:56AM +0100, Angel Spassov wrote:
 Dear mutt users,

 I have installed  'muttprint' in order to print my mails nicely.
 The preferred way for printing messages is on a local
 file instead of sending them to a printing device.
 'muttprint' seems to produce Encapsulated PostScript files only,
 i.e. using LaTeX and not pdfLaTeX to compile them.

 Is it possible to produce a nicely printed, _local_PDF_file_ when pressing 
 This is the corresponding entry in my .muttrc:

 set print_command=muttprint --printer TO_FILE:$HOME/Desktop/muttprint.eps  

try something like:

set print_command=muttprint -p - | ps2pdf - mail.pdf

well, some time ago, just for fun, i wrote a little script in python to
print email directly in pdf without the need of all the dependencies of
muttprint (read latex) but is a little bit raw and i think, because i don't
really know muttprint and latex, that muttprint is more powerful. if you
are interested on it i can put it online to the public mocking.



Description: Digital signature

templates in mutt?

2009-10-26 Thread Marco Giusti
  how can i manage templates in mutt? i read the MuttFaq/Misc, but the
solution does not satisfy me. what i need is something that i can use
with send-hook and really simple.

does also exists a way to programmatically rename attachments, always in
outgoing emails and send-hook compatible?


Description: Digital signature

send-hook and different email accounts

2008-09-25 Thread Marco Giusti
i'm using mutt with two different email accounts. generally i use the
first one but i need to use the second to send email to the university
so i set the following send-hook:

unhook send-hook
unhook send2-hook

send-hook . unmy_hdr From Reply-To

send-hook . 'set sendmail=~/bin/msmtpQ -a gmail; \
 set from = Marco Giusti [EMAIL PROTECTED]; \
 my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

send-hook .*unibo\.it 'set sendmail=~/bin/msmtpQ -a hermes; \
   set from = Marco Giusti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

with this configuration i got a strange behavior i follow these steps:

1. send emails to a generic addresses. no problem at all
2. send an email to no problem, all the headers are set
3. send an email to a generic address. now the headers and the variables
are set to the previous values ie. account

why i got this? it's my fault or a mutt's bug? how can i achieve the
behaviour needed?

thanks for your help

ps. follow some mutt infos if you need it, anyway is a debian/lenny package

Mutt 1.5.18 (2008-05-17)
Copyright (C) 1996-2008 Michael R. Elkins and others.
Mutt comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `mutt -vv'.
Mutt is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `mutt -vv' for details.

System: Linux (x86_64)
ncurses: ncurses 5.6.20080830 (compiled with 5.6)
libidn: 1.8 (compiled with 1.9)
hcache backend: GDBM version 1.8.3. 10/15/2002 (built Apr 24 2006 03:50:27)
Opzioni di compilazione:
To contact the developers, please mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED].
To report a bug, please visit

Description: Digital signature

send-hook and Reply-To header

2008-05-22 Thread Marco Giusti
ciao! i got two account to send email: my main main account and the
university account which i use to communicate to professors and in
general to all university-related people. the following is my
configuration which sometime works and sometime not

unhook send-hook
unhook send2-hook

send-hook . 'unset crypt_autoencrypt'

send-hook '~t [EMAIL PROTECTED]' 'set crypt_autoencrypt'

send-hook . 'set sendmail=~/bin/msmtpQ -a gmail; \
 set from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]; \
 my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

send-hook .*unibo\.it 'set sendmail=~/bin/msmtpQ -a hermes; \
   set from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

having some tests i got strange behavior. here the steps i followed:

1. send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2. send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3. send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

now i'm expecting that all mails sent to domain are set with
Reply-To and From headers to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED]
elsewhere but it is not.

this is the msmtp log

mag 22 01:58:34 tls=on auth=on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailsize=472 exitcode=EX_OK

mag 22 01:58:48 tls=on auth=on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailsize=493 exitcode=EX_OK

mag 22 02:01:05 tls=on auth=on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailsize=486 exitcode=EX_OK

the first two emails' headers are right, not the third one's.

Subject: ciao

i do not know where to look, any help is appreciated.

Description: Digital signature

Re: send-hook and Reply-To header

2008-05-22 Thread Marco Giusti
On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 02:28:20PM +, Michael Kjorling wrote:
On 22 May 2008 14:24 +, by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Kjorling):
 On 22 May 2008 14:12 +0200, by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Giusti):
 send-hook .*unibo\.it 'set sendmail=~/bin/msmtpQ -a hermes; \
set from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 You probably want a semicolon here ^
my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Oops... this is what I get for trying to help when I'm in a hurry.
That should obviously be a semicolon AND a backslash for line
continuation. Sorry for the extra e-mail, everyone.

i lost it in copy/paste.

send-hook .*unibo\.it 'set sendmail=~/bin/msmtpQ -a hermes; \
  set from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]; \
  my_hdr Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

Description: Digital signature

Re: send-hook and Reply-To header

2008-05-22 Thread Marco Giusti
On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 02:12:35PM +0200, Marco Giusti wrote:
having some tests i got strange behavior. here the steps i followed:

1. send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2. send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3. send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

attached the log with -d 5 of the above send mail
Mutt 1.5.17+20080114 started at Thu May 22 17:49:30 2008
Debugging at level 5.

Reading configuration file '/etc/Muttrc'.
parse_attach_list: ldata = 006bec80, *ldata = 
parse_attach_list: added */.* [9]
parse_attach_list: ldata = 006bec88, *ldata = 
parse_attach_list: added text/x-vcard [7]
parse_attach_list: added application/pgp.* [2]
parse_attach_list: ldata = 006bec88, *ldata = 021cabf0
parse_attach_list: skipping text/x-vcard
parse_attach_list: skipping application/pgp.*
parse_attach_list: added application/x-pkcs7-.* [2]
parse_attach_list: ldata = 006bec90, *ldata = 
parse_attach_list: added text/plain [7]
parse_attach_list: ldata = 006bec88, *ldata = 021cabf0
parse_attach_list: skipping text/x-vcard
parse_attach_list: skipping application/pgp.*
parse_attach_list: skipping application/x-pkcs7-.*
parse_attach_list: added message/external-body [4]
parse_attach_list: ldata = 006bec98, *ldata = 
parse_attach_list: added message/external-body [4]
Reading configuration file '/usr/lib/mutt/source-muttrc.d|'.
Reading configuration file '/etc/Muttrc.d/abook.rc'.
Reading configuration file '/etc/Muttrc.d/charset.rc'.
Reading configuration file '/etc/Muttrc.d/colors.rc'.
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 1
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 2
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 3
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 4
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 5
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 6
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 7
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 8
Reading configuration file '/etc/Muttrc.d/compressed-folders.rc'.
Reading configuration file '/etc/Muttrc.d/gpg.rc'.
Reading configuration file '/etc/Muttrc.d/smime-paths.rc'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/muttrc'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/aliases'.
parse_alias: Second token is 'Pietro Garofalo [EMAIL PROTECTED], Fabio 
parse_alias:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
parse_alias:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
parse_alias:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
parse_alias: Second token is 'zonapython [EMAIL PROTECTED]'.
parse_alias:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
parse_alias: Second token is 'Matteo Gasparri [EMAIL PROTECTED]'.
parse_alias:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
parse_alias: Second token is 'Luca Ghedini [EMAIL PROTECTED]'.
parse_alias:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
parse_alias: Second token is 'Mauro Lopopolo [EMAIL PROTECTED]'.
parse_alias:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/look'.
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 9
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 10
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 11
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 12
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 13
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 14
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 15
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 16
mutt_alloc_color(): Color pairs used so far: 17
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/key_bindings'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/fcc-save-hook'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/send-hook'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/account-hook'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/fcc-hook'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/save-hook'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/folder-hook'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/message-hook'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/mbox-hook'.
Reading configuration file '/home/nohero/.mutt/crypto'.
Using default IMAP port 143
Using default IMAPS port 993
Updating progress: 0
Updating progress: 0
Updating progress: 0
../mh.c:713: queueing 1211019880.28862_83.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1208046612.19106_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1208687407.9514_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1211407205.28846_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1208685614.9460_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1190487603.12440_0.minimurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1209630604.26294_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1211319008.23369_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1207650603.11581_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1208685615.9461_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1208685615.9462_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1208046613.19107_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1209038410.14016_0.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1211019965.28862_101.lemurdoc:2,S
../mh.c:713: queueing 1207303208.18994_0.lemurdoc:2,S
Updating progress: 0
Updating progress: 0
maildir: need to sort /home/nohero/mail/inbox by inode
../mh.c:758 maildir_add_to_context(): Considering 