About line-breaks

2015-07-31 Thread Niels Kobschaetzki


I have two questions about line breaks:

1) Is there a way to have a line break in the subject in the index (?
  the overview of my inbox), if the width of the terminal is not wide
  enough to show the whole subject?
2) When I read a mail, is there a way that URLs do not get line broken
  at all? Otherwise I always have to select the URL manually to open it
  in my browser, since I didn't find yet a terminal-emulator that will
  recognize multi-line-URLs (and I am actually happy with termite)


Re: mutt with GPG and S/Mime

2015-07-01 Thread Niels Kobschaetzki

On 30/06 16:47, Jon LaBadie wrote:

On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 10:11:53PM +0200, jonas hedman wrote:

On 15-06-30 22:00:27, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:

 is it possible to use with one account PGP and S/Mime? I found a how-to
 for using S/Mime or using mutt with one account with PGP and one account
 S/Mime. But I want to use my main account with both and would like to
 choose on a per user basis whether I encrypt via PGP or S/Mime. I know
 people who use only PGP and others only S/Mime.
 So: is this possible in mutt? If yes, how - any how-tos you can



I use send-hooks for this for examples
send-hook someonewhoperfersinlinecry...@mail.com set pgp_autoinline; set 

While I have S/Mime as standard in my default crypto settings.

For configuration ease, so as not to have lots of send-hooks,
could you do something like:

set my_PersonsWhoUsePGP = \

send-hook $my_PersonsWhoUsePGP set pgp_autoinline; set pgp_autoencrypt

Thanks a lot. Your suggestions look really good :)


mutt with GPG and S/Mime

2015-06-30 Thread Niels Kobschaetzki


is it possible to use with one account PGP and S/Mime? I found a how-to
for using S/Mime or using mutt with one account with PGP and one account
S/Mime. But I want to use my main account with both and would like to
choose on a per user basis whether I encrypt via PGP or S/Mime. I know
people who use only PGP and others only S/Mime.
So: is this possible in mutt? If yes, how - any how-tos you can


Setting a base-dir by account?

2014-11-25 Thread Niels Kobschaetzki


I have three accounts which live in
~/.mail/account1, ~/.mail/account2 and ~/.mail/account3. All folders of
those acocunts are subfolders of the mentioned directories. Thus the
inbox of account1 is ~/.mail/account1/Inbox.

For setting my default folders for Inbox, Drafts etc works great. But
when I move mails around, I want to move them around within one account,
the same when I want to change folders.

When I hit c for change folders, it gets prefilled with =, but
usually I want =account1/ prefilled when I am in account 1 and
=account2 when I am in account2 etc.
When I want to save mails, and hit s for save, it gets prefilled with
=$something (depending on the sender). Here I'd like to have it
prefilled with =account1/$something or =account1/. 

Is there some way to achieve that with a folder-hook or something?



Re: Setting a base-dir by account?

2014-11-25 Thread Niels Kobschaetzki

On 25/11 10:23, Niels Kobschaetzki wrote:


snip how to set a folder

Is there some way to achieve that with a folder-hook or something?

Stupid me. I set folder=/home/user/.mail in each account instead of the
folder of the account. Damn I am stupid.


Syncing settings, different folder-hooks on different machines

2014-01-04 Thread Niels Kobschaetzki


I sync my settings between different machines via Dropbox. I have
settings for several accounts and each in its own file. When I open a
specific inbox via a macro like
macro index f5

I use a folder-hook to source a specific account file

folder-hook 'mailserver.com' 'source ~/.mutt/account.mailserver.com'

(while .mutt is a symlink to a folder in my Dropbox)

Since those account-files are in my Dropbox-account, I don't have
passwords saved in there. But when using mutt from my personal laptop,
I'd like to source the following file:

because in there I have set the passwords.
Because I already have special settings for my personal laptop I have a
.muttrc on my personal laptop that sources all the appropriate files,
instead of relying solely on the muttrc in the Dropbox

It looks right now like this:
source ~/Dropbox/Dotfiles/mutt/muttrc
source ~/Dropbox/Dotfiles/mutt/sidebar
source ~/Dropbox/Dotfiles/mutt/gpg.rc
source ~/Dropbox/Dotfiles/mutt/gpg_special
auto_view text/html

I thought now that I could fit in a special file with folder-hooks that
overwrites the folder-hooks in ~/Dropbox/Dotfiles/mutt/muttrc

by adding
source ~/.mutt_local/local_folderhooks

right after sourcing ~/Dropbox/Dotfiles/mutt/muttrc

but it doesn't work. Any ideas how I could solve this?
I mean synced settings for different machines but having on one machine
separate folder-hooks for the accounts, so account-files with passwords
get sourced.



Description: PGP signature

Re: Sidebar not working (OS X)

2013-12-06 Thread Niels Kobschaetzki

On 06/12, Peter Davis wrote:

News flash: I've been using iTerm 2 as the terminal program on my
Mac. When I tried mutt in the built-in Terminal, the sidebar

So something about iTerm 2 is nixing it. I suspect there's some
emulation setting I need to change. Is this just using curses?

Hm…interesting. Works for me fine in iTerm 2 and I can't see any setting
that could change that :/


Account-hooks do not work as expected

2013-11-16 Thread Niels Kobschaetzki


I am relatively new to mutt but was able to set up some account-hooks. I have 
three accounts A, B and C and when I start mutt everything works as expected.
I start in account A and when I want to change folders or want to copy mails I 
see the folders of account A. When I send mail it is send from account A.
Now I switch to account B. And everything works for account B, the same for 
account C. And then I switch back to account A and the following problems occur:
When I want to change folders, I see the folders of the last account I was in (in this example 
account C), when I write a mail the From and SMTP-settings are those from 
the last account I was in.

When I switch to account B or C everything works as expected. The problems happen only with account A (which is also my main-account). After a restart of mutt everything works fine, until I changed from account A to another one. 
Since the config for B and C are copied completely from A and then changed the account-specific-settings, I have no idea where to look what the problem could be.

In addition I'd like to ask if there is a way to change the from when I am in 
the screen right after writing a mail?

Thanks in advance,
