Hi out there!

I've finally resolved the issue with mutt-PGP and the US laws...

And: I just made the following RPMs available:

Mutt International Version
URL: http://mutt.linuxatwork.at (NEW SITE)



As usual, the SRPM is common for both binary versions, however, if you want
to rebuild the binary RPMs, it is highly recommended (and for the non-CFP
version actually necessary) to install the SRPM, run a small script
(included in the mutt-xxxxx.spec.in file) and then build the new RPM from
the resulting spec file.

Mutt US Version
URL: http://www.woodsoup.org/~emgaron/tuxior.hmtl



Same rules apply to the SRPM as for the international version.

All READMEs and file lists are available on the web pages, hence I decided
not to attach them... Make sure to read them!

Have fun,


P.S.: And now... ...I'm off to Donegal for four days (and no computer in
      sight - yipee!), so if you do find bugs in the RPMs, please drop
      me a note and I'll try to get to fix them some time early next week...

P.P.S.: Still wanted: Folks to build RPMs for other distros!
      Thomas Ribbrock    http://www.bigfoot.com/~kaytan    ICQ#: 15839919
   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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