Just happy to report some success with mutt.

        My personal email is hosted by Dreamhost and accessible via IMAP.

        I typically read my email from a Linux workstation and save my email to 
that workstation's disk. But I also like to read my email via Dreamhost's web 
interface and via my phone's email app.

        I found that there were a subset of emails that I wanted to be able to 
manually put into a separate folder for later viewing from any one of these 
three mail clients -- mutt, browser, phone app.

        To achieve this I created the needed folder at Dreamhost and configured 
mutt to know about that folder as a 'mailbox'.

# Where I get my email from
set spoolfile="{arenson\@spatzel....@imap.dreamhost.com/ssl}INBOX"
mailboxes !

# Sometimes I move emails to this other folder to process later
mailboxes "{arenson\@spatzel....@imap.dreamhost.com/ssl}INBOX/Points"

# Where I save my received email after processing it
set folder="~/m"

        That's it. Nothing spectacular, but on the off chance someone else 
might find this useful, I wanted to put it out there. In the future I look 
forward to using the '-label' option with mailboxes, but Dreamhost hasn't 
upgraded to a version that supports it yet.


Andrew D. Arenson (he/him)                              H 317.964.0493
arenson (at) spatzel.net                                C 317.679.4669

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