I'm trying to write a Perl script to verify PGP/MIME messages
generated by mutt. I can't even get gnupg to verify the messages
saved from mutt, though.

I save the message body and the signature as msg and msg.asc
repsectively, and run this command:

[squat ~] $ gpg --no-verbose --batch --output - --verify msg.asc msg  
gpg: Signature made Thu May 24 02:44:15 2001 BST using DSA key ID 53F45D7D
gpg: BAD signature from "Alisdair McDiarmid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

When mutt verifies it (according to my muttrc, using the same
command) it checks out as a good signature.

What is that I'm doing wrong here? How does mutt sign and verify
messages? Does anyone know of a seperate program that will verify
PGP/MIME signed messages?

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, and thanks in advance.
#define p(s,f,a)if(strncmp((*v+strlen(*v)-3),s,3)==0)printf(f,a);else
main(unsigned n,char**v){char b[33];if(n!=2){printf("Usage: %s num\n"
){int i=32;b[i]=0;for(;i;){b[i-=1]=48+n%2;n/=2;}p("bin","%s\n",b);};}

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