Hello All,

My users convinced me to go to IMAP for the mail system verses using 
sendmail/local mailboxes/POP.  They swore up and down that the old 
command line junkies like me would not be effected.  So I let them 
implement cyrus IMAP.  I can get to my inbox ( {localhost:143}INBOX ) 
but I can not get to any of my 50+ folders.  Originally they were 
standard folders in my homedirectory but they were converted over to 
cyrus IMAP folders.  Well when I do a "c" to change folders I see
 1     IMAP +                                INBOX.
 2     IMAP                                  user.
 3     IMAP +                                INBOX.
 4     IMAP +                                user.

and not my folders.  If I select number 1 I can see my folder names 
but I can not see the mail.
 2     IMAP +                                6-degrees.
 3     IMAP +                                APM.
 4     IMAP +                                Apple-Press.
 5     IMAP +                                CERT-Advisory.
 6     IMAP +                                DBI-Users.
 7     IMAP +                                Debian-Laptop.
 8     IMAP +                                Debian-Security.
 9     IMAP +                                Debian-User-Digest.

then when I select 3 for instance, I see
 1     IMAP                                  ../

what am I doing wrong?  is it a .muttrc config problem?  a cyrus 
problem?  or am I just outa luck?

Please responde to my email address ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

sdn website family

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