Re: Mutt inside emacs

2019-06-22 Thread Dave Woodfall
On Friday 21 June 2019 20:44,
David J. J. Ring, Jr.  put forth the proposition:
> Hello,
> I am really happy except for one little thing.
> I found out how to get mutt working inside emacs / emacspeak.
> The only problem is that I cannot press q to quit, I have to quit emacs 
> instead by using Control C Control X (emacs C-c C-x)
> I'll go to the emacspeak list or emacs list but I thought I'd ask here first.
> I'll paste my .emacs file below if anyone is interested in this.
> If I wasted your time, I beg forgiveness, I am just so happy that I have mutt 
> talking to me inside emacs!
> But does anyone know how I can exit gracefully?
> I run emacs and press Shift-F2 and mutt runs!
> Regards,
> David

You ought to be able to bind an unused key in ~/.muttrc to quit or

While in the pager and/or other places, press '?' to bring up the
help menu that shows which keys are bound to commands.

If you find something empty that is OK to use in emacs, you can bind
it to quit or exit, e.g.:

bind pager,index,attach  z exit
bind pager,index Z quit

Hope that helps.


"There are two ways of disliking poetry; one way is to dislike it, the
other is to read Pope."
-- Oscar Wilde

Mutt inside emacs

2019-06-21 Thread David J. J. Ring, Jr.

I am really happy except for one little thing.

I found out how to get mutt working inside emacs / emacspeak.

The only problem is that I cannot press q to quit, I have to quit emacs instead 
by using Control C Control X (emacs C-c C-x)

I'll go to the emacspeak list or emacs list but I thought I'd ask here first.

I'll paste my .emacs file below if anyone is interested in this.

If I wasted your time, I beg forgiveness, I am just so happy that I have mutt 
talking to me inside emacs!

But does anyone know how I can exit gracefully?

I run emacs and press Shift-F2 and mutt runs!


; uncomment if you have via voice / outloud and want that voice as default.
;(setenv "DTK_PROGRAM" "outloud")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/mu4e/")
(require 'mu4e-multi)
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 150)

(load-file "/home/djringjr/Programs/emacspeak-49.0/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el")

;; From running console programs inside emacs

(defun djcb-term-start-or-switch (prg  use-existing)
  "* run program PRG in a terminal buffer. If USE-EXISTING is non-nil "
  " and PRG is already running, switch to that buffer instead of starting"
  " a new instance."
  (let ((bufname (concat "*" prg "*")))
(when (not (and use-existing
 (let ((buf (get-buffer bufname)))
   (and buf (buffer-name (switch-to-buffer bufname))
  (ansi-term prg prg

;; add macro to define key values
(defmacro djcb-program-shortcut (name key  use-existing)
  "* macro to create a key binding KEY to start some terminal program PRG; 
if USE-EXISTING is true, try to switch to an existing buffer"
  `(global-set-key ,key 
(djcb-term-start-or-switch ,name ,use-existing

;; define key values

;; terminal programs are under Shift + Function Key
(djcb-program-shortcut "zsh"   (kbd "") t)  ; the ubershell
(djcb-program-shortcut "mutt"  (kbd "") t)  ; mail client
(djcb-program-shortcut "slrn"  (kbd "") t)  ; nttp client
(djcb-program-shortcut "htop"   (kbd "") t)  ; my processes
(djcb-program-shortcut "mc" (kbd "") t)  ; midnight commander
(djcb-program-shortcut "raggle"(kbd "") t)  ; rss feed reader
(djcb-program-shortcut "irssi" (kbd "") t)  ; irc client

;; end keybindings

 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
 '(line-number-mode nil)
 '(send-mail-function (quote mailclient-send-it)))
 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt inside emacs (was color configuration setup)

2010-01-18 Thread Chris G
On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 07:01:03PM -0400, Monte Stevens wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 10:42:48PM +0100, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:
  What is the advantage of running mutt within emacs?
 Short answer:
 You don't have to navigate to Emacs (server) when editing a message.
 Longer answer:
 I have my Mutt editor set to emacsclient and I have Emacs' server
 running.  If I were to edit a message in a non-Emacs environment I'd
 have to travel to Emacs to modify the message.  So, if I run screen I
 would change to the screen that Emacs was running on, if I am in a GUI
 environment I'd need to switch to a different window.
 If you have your mutt editor set to emacs then there's no need to do
 any of this, Emacs should pop up when you edit a message.  But then, you
 could have multiple copies of Emacs running, whereas with the
 server/client arrangement there is only one instance of Emacs.  There
 should also be a time savings in opening a client versus a new instance
 of Emacs.
By the way, and *just* for information, you can do the same with a vi
look alike too - [x]vile.  So if (like me) you're a died in the wool
vi person you can run a 'vi server'.  The one I use is (as I said)
[x]vile but I *think* you can do it with vim as well.

Chris Green

mutt inside emacs (was color configuration setup)

2010-01-17 Thread Jeffrey Ratcliffe
On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 09:21:17AM -0500, Haines Brown KB1GRM ET1 wrote:
 I'm running mutt on debian and within emcas. I have emcacs set up so 
 that the keybinding M-C-m opens mutt in emacs. The problem is that I 
 can't get this to use my mutt color configuration.

What is the advantage of running mutt within emacs?

Description: Digital signature

Re: mutt inside emacs (was color configuration setup)

2010-01-17 Thread Monte Stevens
On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 10:42:48PM +0100, Jeffrey Ratcliffe wrote:
 What is the advantage of running mutt within emacs?

Short answer:
You don't have to navigate to Emacs (server) when editing a message.

Longer answer:
I have my Mutt editor set to emacsclient and I have Emacs' server
running.  If I were to edit a message in a non-Emacs environment I'd
have to travel to Emacs to modify the message.  So, if I run screen I
would change to the screen that Emacs was running on, if I am in a GUI
environment I'd need to switch to a different window.

If you have your mutt editor set to emacs then there's no need to do
any of this, Emacs should pop up when you edit a message.  But then, you
could have multiple copies of Emacs running, whereas with the
server/client arrangement there is only one instance of Emacs.  There
should also be a time savings in opening a client versus a new instance
of Emacs.
