Hi, Joel. The MLO people have never promised to encrypt data-at-rest on the 
cloud server,  so you have to assume that it's stored in the clear. 

Since you asked about access to private keys, I wanted to note that the sync 
process does not require the server to "see" the content of any of your tasks, 
or even to be able to compare two copies of a task and detect if there has been 
a change. As long as every task has a unique ID that's the same across all 
platforms all the server needs are the ID and some timestamps.  That means that 
the record could be encrypted on your device and not decrypted until it arrives 
at your other device. There would never be a need to question whether there had 
been a security breach or privacy violation at the server. Any slowness  from 
crypto overhead would be on the user's device and would probably appear as 
battery drain, easily cured by turning off the crypto. 

But that's just a discussion. In the meantime if you want to know that your 
sensitive information is secure (beyond the password-grade security for at-rest 
data and SSL for in-flight data) you should move the sensitive data out of the 
task and store it securely in a file at a location accessible to all of your 
devices, and then include in the task a link to the file. 
Mlo betazoid on Android sgn2

On Feb 21, 2014, Joel Azaria <jaz...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Bump for an answer..
>On Monday, January 6, 2014 8:11:03 PM UTC-5, Joel Azaria wrote:
>> Question privacy policy doesn't seem to address:  Are mlo files
>> on your server or encrypted?  Do sysops/mlo employees (or anyone
>else) have 
>> access to the private encryption key(s)?
>> As it's written it seems as if it's possible for someone working with
>> system (sysadmin, DBadmin, etc) would be able to read contents of
>>  Just want to be sure that's not the case.
>> On Saturday, December 7, 2013 8:36:30 AM UTC-5, Andrey Tkachuk (MLO)
>>> All the information is listed in our privacy policy:
>>> https://sync.mylifeorganized.net/mlo/privacy-policy.html
>>> Andrey.
>>> On Friday, December 6, 2013 9:58:43 PM UTC+2, Stéph wrote:
>>>> How secure is cloud data?  I've had a bad experience with WiFi sync
>>>> am reconsidering the idea of cloud sync. The only problem is that
>some of 
>>>> my notes could include quite sensitive or commercial information. 
>>>> Stéphane

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