Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.6.25, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. MySQL 5.6.25 is
recommended for use on production systems.

For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.6, please see

     Starting with 5.6.11, Microsoft Windows packages for MySQL 5.6
     are available both as a "full" installer and as a "web" installer.
     The full installer is significantly larger and comes bundled with
     the latest software releases available. This bundle makes it easy
     to download and configure a full server and development suite.

     The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products
     and instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the
     products you choose to install. This makes the initial download
     much smaller but increases install time as the individual products
     will need to be downloaded.

For information on installing MySQL 5.6.25 on new servers or upgrading
to MySQL 5.6.25 from previous MySQL releases, please see

MySQL Server is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

Not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time, so if you
can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose
another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc:

The following section lists the changes in the MySQL 5.6 since
the release of MySQL 5.6.24. It may also be viewed
online at


Changes in MySQL 5.6.25  (2015-05-29)

Functionality Added or Changed

  * MySQL Enterprise Firewall operates on parser states and
    does not work well together with the query cache, which
    circumvents the parser. MySQL Enterprise Firewall now
    checks whether the query cache is enabled. If so, it
    displays a message that the query cache must be disabled
    and does not load. (Bug #20913616)

  * my_print_defaults now masks passwords. To display
    passwords in cleartext, use the new --show option. (Bug

  * MySQL distributions now include an innodb_stress suite of
    test cases. Thanks to Mark Callaghan for the
    contribution. (Bug #76347, Bug #20717127)

Bugs Fixed

  * InnoDB; Partitioning: The CREATE_TIME column of the
    INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES table now shows the correct
    table creation time for partitioned InnoDB tables. The
    table now shows the correct partition creation time for a
    partition of partitioned InnoDB tables.
    table now shows when a partitioned InnoDB table was last
    updated by an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE. The UPDATE_TIME
    column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS table now
    shows when a partition of a partitioned InnoDB table was
    last updated. (Bug #69990, Bug #17299181)

  * InnoDB: An assertion was raised on shutdown due to XA
    PREPARE transactions holding explicit locks. (Bug

  * InnoDB: The strict_* forms of innodb_checksum_algorithm
    settings (strict_none, strict_innodb, and strict_crc32)
    caused the server to halt when a non-matching checksum
    was encountered, even if the non-matching checksum was
    valid. For example, with
    innodb_checksum_algorithm=strict_crc32, encountering a
    valid innodb checksum caused the server to halt. Instead
    of halting the server, a message is now printed to the
    error log and the page is accepted as valid if it matches
    an innodb, crc32 or none checksum. (Bug #20568464)

  * InnoDB: The memcached set command permitted a negative
    expire time value. Expire time is stored internally as an
    unsigned integer. A negative value would be converted to
    a large number and accepted. The maximum expire time
    value is now restricted to INT_MAX32 to prevent negative
    expire time values. (Bug #20478242, Bug #75790)

  * InnoDB: Removal of a foreign key object from the data
    dictionary cache during error handling caused the server
    to exit. (Bug #20442523)

  * InnoDB: SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output showed negative
    reservation and signal count values due to a counter
    overflow error. (Bug #20417397)

  * InnoDB: Failure to check the status of a cursor
    transaction read-only option before reusing the cursor
    transaction for a write operation resulted in a server
    exit during a memcached workload. (Bug #20391552)

  * InnoDB: MDL locks taken by memcached clients caused a
    operation to hang. (Bug #20275612)

  * InnoDB: Estimates that were too low for the size of merge
    chunks in the result sorting algorithm caused a server
    exit. (Bug #20049521)

  * InnoDB: For full-text searches, the optimizer could
    choose an index that does not produce correct relevancy
    rankings. (Bug #74686, Bug #19950568)

  * Partitioning: When creating a partitioned table, using a
    partition-level DATA DIRECTORY or INDEX DIRECTORY option
    value containing an excessive number of characters was
    handled incorrectly. (Bug #20809045)

  * Partitioning: Executing an ALTER TABLE on a partitioned
    table on which a write lock was in effect could cause
    subsequent SQL statements on this table to fail. (Bug
    #74288, Bug #74634, Bug #19784790, Bug #19918805)
    References: See also Bug #19856162, Bug #74451.

  * Replication: When binary logging was enabled, using
    stored functions and triggers resulting in a long running
    procedure that inserted many records caused the memory
    use to increase rapidly. This was due to memory being
    allocated per variable. The fix ensures that in such a
    situation, memory is allocated once and the same memory
    is reused. (Bug #75879, Bug #20531812)

  * Replication: If an error was encountered while adding a
    GTID to the received GTID set, the log lock was not being
    correctly released. This could cause a deadlock. (Bug
    #75781, Bug #20492319)

  * Replication: A slave running MySQL 5.6.24 or earlier
    could not connect to a master running MySQL 5.7.6 and
    later that had gtid_mode=OFF_PERMISSIVE or
    gtid_mode=ON_PERMISSIVE. The fix ensures that a slave
    running MySQL 5.6.25 and later can connect to such a
    master as long as the slave's gtid_mode is compatible. In
    other words, a slave running MySQL 5.6.25 and later which
    has gtid_mode=OFF can connect to a master running MySQL
    5.7.6 and later which has gtid_mode=OFF_PERMISSIVE, and a
    slave running MySQL 5.6.25 and later which has
    gtid_mode=ON can connect to a master running MySQL 5.7.6
    and later which has gtid_mode=ON_PERMISSIVE. Other
    combinations are incompatible. (Bug #75769, Bug

  * Replication: If an error occurred when using a
    multi-threaded slave, issuing a CHANGE MASTER TO
    statement which resulted in an
    issuing RESET SLAVE, made it impossible to change master
    errors. Running the debug version of mysqld caused an
    unexpected exit in this case. The fix ensures that the
    recovery process for multi-threaded slaves avoids this.
    (Bug #75574, Bug #20411374)

  * Replication: When using semisynchronous replication
    performance was degrading when the number of threads
    increased beyond a certain threshold. To improve
    performance, now only the thread which is committing is
    responsible for deleting the active transaction node. All
    other operations do not touch this active transaction
    list. (Bug #75570, Bug #20574628)

  * Replication: Using mysqlbinlog to process log events
    greater than 1.6GB failed with an out of memory error.
    This was caused by an internal error converting the
    length variable. The fix upgrades the length variable to
    avoid overflow in both encoding and decoding functions.
    (Bug #74734, Bug #20350989)

  * Replication: When master_info_repository=TABLE the
    receiver thread stores received event information in a
    table. The memory used in the process of updating the
    table was not being freed correctly and this could lead
    to an out of memory error. The fix ensures that after an
    event is flushed to the relay log file by a receiver
    thread, the memory used is freed. (Bug #72885, Bug
    #19390463, Bug #69848, Bug #20124342)

  * Replication: Using mysqlbinlog to replay a relay log
    which ended with GTID_LOG_EVENT could cause the following
    ERROR 1790 (HY000) @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT cannot be changed
    by a client that owns a GTID. The client owns UUID:GTID.
    Ownership is released on COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
    If a relay log rotate happens (either through a receiver
    thread restart or after issuing the ROTATE command)
    exactly after writing a GTID_LOG_EVENT, when replaying
    such a relay log's end ROTATE_EVENT, it was mistakenly
    identified as being inside a transaction, whereas the
    transaction was actually started after GTID_LOG_EVENT.
    This caused mysqlbinlog to append SET
    @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT='AUTOMATIC', resulting in two
    GTID_NEXT statements one after the other. The fix ensures
    that mysqlbinlog generates SET
    @@SESSION.GTID_NEXT='AUTOMATIC' only outside of a
    transaction and when there has not been a previous
    Similarly, using mysqlbinlog to concatenate and replay a
    relay log which contained a partial GTID transaction
    caused the above error. A relay log can contain a partial
    GTID transaction when AUTO_POSITION is enabled if a
    receiver thread is restarted when it is in the middle of
    transferring a transaction from a master. On restart the
    slave retrieves the full transaction again. In this case,
    the first relay log contains a partial GTID transaction
    and the second relay log contains the full GTID
    transaction again. When using mysqlbinlog to concatenate
    such a relay log, the partial transaction was not being
    correctly detected and therefore a ROLLBACK was not being
    correctly generated. The fix identifies partial GTID
    transactions using the format description event of the
    second relay log, ensuring that a ROLLBACK is correctly
    added. (Bug #70711, Bug #17650326)

  * For small values of the read_rnd_buffer_size system
    variable, internal caching of temporary results could
    fail and cause query execution failure. (Bug #20895852)

  * The normalize_statement() UDF used by MySQL Enterprise
    Firewall could cause a server exit for certain
    password-related statements. (Bug #20873209)

  * A failed FLUSH PRIVILEGES statement followed by
    statements to create or drop accounts could cause a
    server exit. (Bug #20857652)

  * std::stringstream code used by MySQL Enterprise Firewall
    could cause a server exit. (Bug #20848536)

  * SHOW VARIABLES mutexes were being locked twice, resulting
    in a server exit. (Bug #20788853)

  * ull2dec() was modified to avoid a problem with GCC 5 in
    optimized mode. (Bug #20768820)

  * Using GCC 5, debug builds failed due to compiler
    warnings. (Bug #20768717)

  * A Provides rule in RPM .spec files misspelled
    "mysql-embedded" as "mysql-emdedded". (Bug #20734434)

  * The mysql_firewall_max_query_size system variable should
    be read only at runtime, but it was possible to modify
    it. (Bug #20608993)

  * MySQL Enterprise Firewall could leak memory in the
    unlikely event of failure to store information in an
    INFORMATION_SCHEMA table. (Bug #20593257)

  * Using a MySQL 5.6 version of mysqladmin to change the
    password for an account on a MySQL 5.7.6 installation
    resulted in an unusable account password. (Bug #20590548)

  * AddressSanitizer compilation errors were silenced. (Bug
    #20459338, Bug #75740, Bug #20459363)

  * Under certain conditions, the libedit command-line
    library could write outside an array boundary and cause a
    client program crash. (Bug #20318154)

  * mysql_config_editor could exit abnormally while
    encrypting passwords. (Bug #20294225)

  * Host value matching for the grant tables could fail to
    use the most specific of values that contained wildcard
    characters. (Bug #20181776)

  * For MySQL distributions linked against yaSSL, a corrupt
    client key file could cause clients to exit. (Bug

  * For join queries with a large number of tables, the
    server could exit converting the join to a semi-join.
    (Bug #20109861)

  * Deleting rows from mysql.user following by granting
    privileges to a new account could result in a server
    exit. (Bug #20031475)

  * Renaming the mysql.procs_priv table and executing SHOW
    GRANTS resulted in a server exit. (Bug #20006361)

  * Within a stored procedure, access to view columns after
    DDL or FLUSH TABLES statements in the procedure could
    cause a server exit. (Bug #19897405)

  * Execution of certain BINLOG statements while temporary
    tables were open by HANDLER statements could cause a
    server exit. (Bug #19894987)

  * For a prepared statement with an ORDER BY that refers by
    column number to a GROUP_CONCAT() expression that has an
    outer reference, repeated statement execution could cause
    a server exit. (Bug #19814337)

  * CMake configuration was adjusted to handle new warnings
    reported by Clang 3.5, using the
    -Wpointer-bool-conversion and -Wundefined-bool-conversion
    compiler options. (Bug #19584183)

  * Loading corrupt spatial data into a MyISAM table could
    cause the server to exit during index building. (Bug

  * Specifying --general_log_file= (with an empty value) at
    server startup caused the server to fail and exit. (Bug

  * CMake configuration was adjusted to handle warnings
    reported by Clang 3.3. (Bug #17486216)

  * Some MySQL Enterprise Firewall diagnostic messages were
    written outside the control of the log_error_verbosity
    system variable. (Bug #76612, Bug #20848331)

  * The server rejected empty COM_SHUTDOWN packets. (Bug
    #76552, Bug #20810928)
    References: This bug was introduced by Bug #14525642.

  * Inappropriate -Werror options could appear in
    mysql_config --cflags output. (Bug #76019, Bug #20590904)

  * In the Performance Schema threads table, the
    change for the thread/sql/main main thread instrument as
    the thread state changed. (Bug #74517, Bug #19887143)

  * Certain queries for the INFORMATION_SCHEMA TABLES and
    COLUMNS tables could lead to excessive memory use when
    there were large numbers of empty InnoDB tables. (Bug
    #72322, Bug #18592390)

  * Queries that included a HAVING clause based on
    nondeterministic functions could produce incorrect
    results. (Bug #69638, Bug #17055185)

  * For logging of prepared statements to the general query
    log, the Execute line was logged after statement
    execution, not before. (Bug #69453, Bug #16953758, Bug

  * MySQL failed to compile using OpenSSL 0.9.8e. (Bug
    #68999, Bug #16861371)

On Behalf of the MySQL RE team at Oracle
Hery Ramilison

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